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The Inn was the grandest building in town. Three stories and made out of the finest pine and oak. The first level was composed of the dinning area and bar with a door on the back wall that led to the kitchen. On the far left was a staircase that led to the upper levels.

Melia pulled me to them and took me to the second floor. Once there she placed me in front of one of four doors on that floor. Giving a slight knock the door swung inward.

Before me stood a towering man with badly cut salt and pepper hair and a long defined face. "What! I told you we were not to be disturb unless you have the physician!"

Shaking slightly, Melia replied quickly," He's away, couldn't get. This is Thea one of our farmers. She is the next best thing. You said yourself, your friend will die if he doesn't get help soon."

 In low growl he murmured back. "Well great! I don't need no, stinking Bitch making a mess of things! Come back only when you have the physician!"

He went to close the door but I placed my hand on it stopping him. My arms shook with anger. "You will apologies at once to your hostess! Then you will move aside and let me treat your companion."

He face scrunched with a anger. He pulls the door wide open and lunges for me. Melia screeches and dashes down the stairs. I side step him, grasp his swaying arm and twist it behind his back. Although taller I had the mechanical advantage. Using the strength in my torso, I slam him into hard planked floor.

Suddenly, I hear drawing of swords from behind. Turning, I see three men surrounding a bed with their weapons drawn. Talbot gives a high pitched growl as he takes a protective stance by my side. The eyes of the men looked shocked as they take in the massive wolfdog.

The men under me struggles to get free but I continue to hold him in place.

Suddenly, I notice a wheezing sound coming from the bed. Then a groan," enough! Let the woman help me. You idiots couldn't hold her off anyways."

Standing up I release the man, who gasps for the chance to regain his breath. I moved toward the bed slowly. As I enter the room I notice a sour and acidic smell.

The men around the bed take a few steps back allowing me to come to the side. In a bundle of blankets is a man no older than me with short cut raven hair and eyes as deep as the ocean. His face is angular and chiseled. Almost perfect, except for a scar running down his left eye to his jaw. His eyes seem to be scanning me as well, then they shift to Talbot who stands by my side.

"Quit a dog you have there. You know... Ah..." His eyes roll back into his head as he gasps in pain. Next he is laying limp with his head resting against a pillow.

The man closest to him motions for me to look under the blanket. I lift the edge of the blanket off the mans closest leg. A pungent odor assaults my nostrils.

Turning around I take a deep breath of clean air, then turn to look at the wound. My stomach drops as I take it in. The leg is badly bruised and cut. The worst of it is a deep gash starting mid-thigh running down past the side of his knee. They seemed to have stopped the blood flow, however the wound had a greenish hue to it.
Looking closer the wound appeared metallic.

"It was a poisoned blade." Commented the guard opposite me.

I nodded in agreement. Taking a my middle finger I pressed gently on the side of the wound. I removed it and found a black powdery substance.

"It's a common, yet deadly poison. Judging by the age of the wound the poison hasn't had time to fully absorb I give him about a day maybe two to live. Unless you get him an antidote before then."

"And who might have that?" Growled the man that had insulted me early.

I turned to face him,"if you take the main road, moving quickly, you can make it to Underbridge. There is an elder women that grows the leaves for the antidote there." Going to a basin in the corner had began to scrub my hands. "I can pack his wound with herbs that should slow the poison, then I suggest you leave right away."

The man paused for a moment to consider what I said. Before he could speak another guard spoke up. He was youthful around his late teens with a mass of red locks.

"I doubt we would be able to find this women in time even with the right directions. Could you travel with us and make sure he get what he needs?" Although young he seemed to care greatly for the man on the bed.

Shaking my head I sighed," I'm sorry about your friend, but I have to finish my harvest if I want any chance of surviving the winter."

Suddenly, voices echoed out side the room. Two pairs of feet stomped up the stairs. Before the door stood Mavrick.

"What the blazes is going on! I thought I told you men to leave the people of this town alone!" Before Mavrick could continue I interrupted.
"It's okay I came to help. These men need to get there friend to Underbridge straight away if he is to live."

The young guard spoke up,"We're about to offer... Thea, five gold crowns if she guides us to where we need to go in Underbridge."

"You have to be out of you damn mind Lars! To think..." Before the grumpy guard could finish another interrupted.

"Lars is right Malcolm, we can't afford to make a mistake."

Malcolm turned his back to the men and stomped out of the room.

Mavrick gave me a look that seemed to offer to apprehend the man. I shook my head. "Let him go."

"Look gentlemen the sum is tempting but I can't leave my field unattended for so long. I will find you a guide in town that can take you. Meanwhile, one of you can retrieve the herb box from the innkeeper. Quickly!" I shouted.
The man that had been standing in the room left in rush.

Mavrick entered the room as carried the water bucket to the bed. Taking a clean rag from the pile on the washer I began to wipe the leg and wound clean.
"Thea, I can watch the house and get my boys to bring in the wheat. You take the men to Underbridge, but not before they pay you in full."
I was about to protest but one look from Mavrick stopped me cold. He knew I needed the money badly. The past few years had left me rather penniless in some areas.
I consented with a shrugged," I can take you. Lars go to the innkeeper and have her pack provisions. You, whatever your name is go get your horses ready and get two extra."

The first guard had returned. Bringing me a tray with fresh bandages and a tin of herbs. Packing the herbs in the wound then rewrapping it in fresh cloth. After rinsing my hand in the water basin I motioned for Mavrik and the other man to help carry him out the door.

"What is you companions name?" I questioned as they began to pick the man up.

The guard look up in supprise then responded quickly, "Ashton."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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