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The next days passed relatively fast. Hermione kept herself occupied around the Burrow helping Molly with chores and seating plans. Once Thursday had rolled around Hermione was positively glowing with excitement. She'd told Ron it was just excitement for their wedding on Saturday and he'd bought it easy enough before kissing her cheek and going off to work.

Hermione waited a good twenty minutes after he'd left to send out her tiny blue otter to Draco. Within minutes he was outside the house, taking cover behind a hedge.

Hermione took a quick glance at her appearance in the mirror, straightened out her blouse and made her way down stairs and toward the front door, "You're up early." Molly sung from the kitchen where she sipped her tea.

"Yeah, I'm too nervous to sleep." Hermione lied.

Molly smiled behind her mug, "I see."

Hermione adverted her gaze, trying to find an excuse to get away, "Any way, I should go. Lot's to do. I'm thinking I might splurge and get my hair done. Nothing crazy, maybe just a trim?"

"Sounds wonderful love." Molly smiled, "Perhaps Draco will get a shave while you're both out. And tell him to stay out of my roses. I saw him poking around in them just before." She winked and Hermione blushed.

"I- Please don't tell Ron."

Molly was a kind soul, a mother figure to Hermione even before Ron had proposed, she has always been privy to Hermione's thoughts and feelings about Draco, even right back in the days after the war when Hermione had run into him at a Gala.

"Of course not sweetheart, But make sure you know what you're doing." Molly answers, rinsing her cup in the sink.

Hermione smiled and gave a quick "Thank you" before opening the door and slipping down the driveway.

Hermione enjoyed the feeling of the sun on her face and the cool breeze brushed across the exposed skin on her arms. Smiling when she saw Draco approaching wearing the same clothes he'd been wearing the day he first came to see her, she notes his beard has grown scruffier along with his normal well groomed hair.

"Draco." She breathes with a smile, all her stress slipping away.

"Mione." mimics, "Are you ready?"

She nods, gesturing for him to lead the way.

Draco takes her arm and apparates them to their old apartment building. Hermione tenses.

"Relax. I just want you to see what it's become. I'm curious to see for myself also." He smiles reassuringly

Hermione doesn't press him, on the last part instead she begins the walk up the small flight of stairs to their old apartment on the third floor.

She is nervous about going inside, scared she won't be able to handle it. The last time she had been here Draco wasn't home, much to here relief. In fact, it looked as though he had been gone awhile. The curtains were all drawn closed and a thin layer of dust was settling on everything. Today was no different.

She approached the door, but found it was locked. A yellowing piece of paper nailed to the door.


This property has been seized by the order of Gringotts Wizard Bank due to failure to make payments. Tenant/s have exactly 24 hours to vacate property.

Hermione gasped, "When? Why?" She asked, turning to look at Draco.

"About a week or so after you left. My father came to visit." Draco starts, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

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