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 Melody was having a great life.

She was know an Avenger.

She had an awesome boyfriend, an amazing group of friends and a job so cool, anybody would be jealous.

She was now an honorary agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. for ending the war.

And she won a Nobel Peace Prize.

Steve thought it was ironic that it was presented to her by General Ross.

" Congratulations, darlin' " He told her.

" Awww, thank you, babe." Melody cooed.

She kissed him passionately as he carried her bridal style into S.H.I.E.L.D.' s headquarters.

" Can you guy's get a room?" Tony gagged.

Pepper gave him a stern look.

" Just kidding. " He said, nervously.

" Oh Melody, I'm so happy for you!" Natasha exclaimed.

" Yeah, if you didn't distract us from fighting, we don't know what would have happened. " Peter said.

Everyone agreed.

" You guy's are sweet, thanks." Melody replied as she was lowered down from Steve's arms.

" Ms. Dair, I expect you will be visiting me in Wakanda soon, yes?" T'challa asked.

" Of course. " She responded.

" You must meet my queen Ororo, she would love you." He said, " She is part of her own team, the X-m-"  T'challa was rudely interrupted by an annoyed Clint.

" If you're done with talking, I believe it would be a great time to celebrate." Clint said, exasperated.


They ended up going back to the Avengers headquarters.

Pepper was smart enough to plan out a celebration in honour of Melody receiving her award.

Melody looked around and was happy everyone was having a great time.

Steve and Bucky were entertaining Sam and Scott with stories of their childhood together.

Tony, Pepper, Bruce, and Natasha were talking about the downfall of the U.S. if  Donald Trump became president.

Thor, Loki and Thor's girlfriend, Jane, were all discussing Asgardian history.

Wanda, Pietro and Vision were having a very serious conversation on a topic Melody couldn't even begin to explain.

Clint and his wife, Laura, brought their kids and were having a great conversation with Maria and Nick about the future of the Avengers.

Peter even brought a pretty, blond girl named Gwen as his date.

Melody suddenly had the urge to make a speech.

Melody made her way to the DJ and asked him if she could borrow the microphone.

" Testing, testing....1,2. Is this on? " She asked the DJ. He nodded.

" Hi everyone, I hope you're having a great time. I would like to say thank you to Pepper for this fantastic party." She said. There was a round of applause. Pepper had a look of pure gratitude.

" I would like to say something."

" When I was younger, " Melody started," I knew I was different. I could feel it inside that I was not like everyone else. My mom would always tell me that I would do something great one day. And I carried that thought with me everyday until the day she died. Even after that, the memory of her saying that to me never leaves my mind. "

Melody continued " Although I knew this was true, I didn't know what would happen. Then it came crashing down all at once. When New York was in pieces, I helped save a group of people from a collapsing building. I made sure they were safe. But something in the back of my mind kept telling me I wasn't done yet."

" That was the moment when I used my abilities for the first time. I had saved someone who was risking his life to protect humanity. I had helped him defeat an alien army. Then I hid. Away from everyone and everything. Making sure no one knew who I was."

Steve gave Melody his swoon-worthy smile she loved so much.

" I went to live in D.C. for a short time and was faced with another disaster. But this time, I hadn't saved a group of people. I had saved two best friends. I went to the hospital to make sure they were cared for. But to my surprise, I only found one of the men I had saved in a hospital bed."

" I became curious. I tried to find anything about his whereabouts
or where he was seen last. But to no avail, I found nothing. So, I then saved a certain silver-haired boy."

" See Wanda, I knew I wasn't crazy." Pietro whispered loudly.

Everyone laughed.

Wanda just rolled her eyes.

Melody continued on " Then I stopped the man I loved from making the biggest mistake he ever made. "

At that moment, Steve gave Melody a look with pure love.

"He was fighting his best friend to save his other best friend. It was admirable, but unnecessary. Talking things out is much better than fighting things out. So doing what I knew best, I helped them talk it out. I helped them find a way to get past all the hate and look at a real reason of why they did what they did. And, it was very successful. Here they are today," Melody said, gesturing to Steve and Tony," Actually getting along."

Everyone gave her a round of applause. When it died down, Melody spoke once again.

" I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I finally found my purpose. To save people, to be a hero. To know that I'm actually making a difference. I am proud to say that I am honored to be an Avenger"

" Thank You." She finished.

There was another round of applause.

Natasha was beaming.

Clint and Laura were clapping.

Tony gave her a thumbs up.

Steve was thankful that he had the chance to be with someone as beautiful and caring as Melody.

And in that moment, Melody knew she wasn't nameless anymore.

Nameless ° RogersWhere stories live. Discover now