Something Old

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I pull on my slippers and waltz into the dingy kitchen, that smells like burnt sauasges. Xavier was standing in the kitchen. "Hey!" He smiles at me. He flips the eggs, but while he was still staring at me. They land on the floor. "What about we go for KFC?" I suggest, to which he nods and scrapes the sausage excrements to the bin. "Get in the car then, bimbo." He says in his best New Yorker accent. "Naw, kay den!" I yelp in reply. He slides his hand into mine and we walk down the stairs and past my parents who are asleep on the sofa bed after a long night of partying. They are staying at mine and Xav's because in a week's time we are getting married!

..."Hey what's that shining in my donut?" I ask playfully. "Glitter." Xavier responds. Then I bite into the chocolate iced piece of happiness and smile. I take another bite and then my teeth come into contact with a stone. "Crap, Xav?" I ask, then spit it out. A crystal encrusted ring clattered to the Krispy Kreme Diner table top. I stop moving, even breathing. "Vanessa Riname, will you marry me?" He asked, blushing. "OMG, OMG! Yes, Xav! Yes, yes, yes!! I will, you mushball."...

In the car, our favourite song starts playing on the radio. "In the beginning, I never thought it would be you..." I smile and my head bops along to the song. "Haha, remember how this song reflects us?" He laughs, while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Before we know it, we are screaming out the lyrics, and by the time we get to KFC, I'm in an amazing mood.

"Vanessa?" Xavier asks me softly, "are you still in love with me?" I gasp. "Crap. You found me out. I love Larry Biles from Bad Direction." I laugh. I look at his face and find it's without a trace of humor. "Oh. Your serious?" He nodded. "Of course I love you! No one has ever made me feel this way..." I say. Geez, I sound mushy. "Good," he says, "I thought you really did love Larry." He smirks, at least he's back to his usual self. I wonder where that came from though..

_ _ _

I stood on the huge steps, sucking in my stomach. 

"No suck!" The fat and squat seamstress, Hildah Hornoh, commands.

"But, I..."

"No butting."

'I won't fit."

"No," Hildah said after consideration, "it won't. You fat."

"WHAT?" I screech. "If I'm fat, your a fucking Godzilla."

I jump off the pedastal and toear the underdress off. "Goodbye." Hildah says, twinkling her pudgy little fingers. I stick out my tounge and grabbed my bag and headed for the changeroom. "I'm out."

In the changeroom, I plonk my 'fat' arse on the bench seat and sigh. Stupid bitch. I cannot believe she said I was fat! I mean, I'm only 56kg and I'm not proud of that but... Anyway. I slide on my skinny jeans on and swap my bra over to something more comfortable. Over that, I put on my Mickey Mouse singlet and slip on my red converse. Dwag. Someone knocks at the door and I  push open the door into Xavier. "Shit, sorry." I grab my hand bag and slid my hand into Xav's back pocket. 

"Hey babe." He says, planting a soft kiss on my head. I smile up at him and sigh. "I honestly don't know how you are with me." I pinch his butt and he laughs. He ruffles my hair and winks at me. "Hey, I did say I was an idiot too!" I wack his abs and laugh along. Then he leans down and kisses my lips this time. 

_ _ _

"So, what are we doing now?" I ask Xavier. "I dunno, why?" I roll my eyes. He always asks WHY. Fuck, that's just not how it works. "BTDubbs, your mum uh, went and bought pregnancy tests t-today." He manages to say while laughing slightly.

"WHAT? She has no right. We did it once lately! Like, what? Ok, yeah maybe twice... or three times..." I say, confusing myself about how many times we had sex lately.

"Yeah, maybe four times. Actually, six times in the past week and a half."

"What? You count?"

"Yeah! Good times."

"Fuck you then."

"You already did. That's why we're arguing, doofus."

"Cock brain, don't fucking speak to me then."

"Good, bitch, easier for me."

The rest of the ride home is awkward and silent. He won't be getting any for a while. 

_ _ _

Laying in bed , I have a major flashback to when we were newly-enganged...

...My eyes are closed and the sun is beating on my face. "Babe?" I mumble as I feel the earth sink as Xavier stands up. "Yeah, let's blow this popsicle stand." He says. I open my eyes and raise my hand to cover them, "why? We're having so much fun out here in the WILD." I emphisize wild, because we're in the woods clearing. "No, I'm bored." Xav turns around to pack away the food. I sit up slowly, propping myself up on my elbows. I smile and glance at his shaply butt. Damn, boy, I think sneakily. "I work out." Then Xavier bursts into LMFAO-style wiggling, scaring away two fifteen-year-olds. "Hahaha."  I finally am able to stand up and help pack up, singing along to Xavier's dying whale singing voice that probably is the reason Gnasher, our stroodle (Staffy and Poodle cross), is deaf. When we're done, we walk down to the pier.


"Yeah, babe?"

"I'm happy I chose you."

"Me too."

Then we kiss for ages, not wanting the moment to pass. But, Xavier, the moment-ruiner ruins the moment by pushing me into the lake. "YOU BITCH!!" I yell, laughing. "BOMBS AWAY!" Then he bomb dives into the lake to join me. "This, Xavier Brown, is why I love you." Although this dress was not cheap, but he doesn't need to know that...

_ _ _

Vomment Please!! xx (Dwag is Dope and Swag mixed into one.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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