Welcomes and Warnings

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Hey there! Lilith here to say thanks for opening my story up. I'm surprised your interest has been piqued by my ambiguous description.

Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the confusing lives of Thalia, Bly, and the other twenty characters that I have made backgrounds for, and now need to figure out how to logically include them in the story.

Wish me luck!

P.S. I hope you enjoy what I write and I accept any constructive criticism I can get. So, don't be afraid to shoot me a comment with suggestions, things that aren't clear in the chapter, grammar/speling mistakes, praise, why you don't like my story, etc.


Now that we have gotten past the pleasantries, it's time to mosey on over towards the more serious parts of my writing.

I am very invested in all of my writing, but especially this particular peice. I have been working on this story since the fall of 2011 and I will not tolerate any reproductions of this piece or any of my work.

I put a lot of effort into writing, planning, plotting, creating, and living these stories. I would appreciate it if everyone on Wattpad would be courteous and not steal my ideas, characters, storylines, or just outright plagiarize my works.

If I find out that some of you have a hard time respecting my wishes, I will come and find you. I won't kill your family, or your pets, or "bathe in the crimson flow of your blood"(1). Instead, I will do to you what you did to me. I will find every document that contains school papers, short stories, novels, drabbles, one-shots, ANYTHING you worked hard on, and I will delete it. All of it. You think I'm joking. I'm not. I will find a way.

I know most of you feel the same way as I do about the scum that steals other people's works and takes credit for them, so if anyone sees my work floating around the internet where I didn't put it, please come and tell me so I can go return the favor.

© 2011, Lilith_theKing


Have a nice day!

(1) #yougodes @Love_Desi

The image on the cover does not belong to me.

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