Chapter 14: Heartbreaker

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Ashlynn's Pov
Jason and I put the prisoners in a cell since we weren't allowed to separate them. "I wonder why Shadow doesn't want us to separate them." Jason said. I punched him in the face. Mainly because he's been annoying me for a while. "You punch like a guy." Jason said. I punched him in the face again. "And you talk like an idiot." I said and walked to Shadow's planning room with him. "Finally. Did you punch Jason in the face?" Georgia asked. "He started to get on my nerves." I said. "Figures, explains why he's got a fist mark on his face." Stephanie said. "Can I talk?" Jackson asked. "Yeah." Nick said. "We have new recruits and Georgia has a plan that might help us." Jackson said and two guy and two girl walked in. "I'm Tina, name on Quarton, Veera." One of the girls said. "James my name, fighting's my game. Name on Quarton is Wrecker." One of the guys said. "Becka. Quarton, Heartbreaker." The other girl said. "Jasper and on Quarton, Dragon." The last guy said. "Georgia has a plan which isn't a really good plan so I think that the girls should hear it." Jackson said. "Mainly has to do with Becka." Georgia said. "It's weird how Jasper and Nick are brothers and evil." Stephanie said. "It's weird how your cousin convinced his sister to be good and not you." I said. "Can we just hear Georgia's plan?" Felix said. "Why you been so quiet Felix, you normally talk a bit more." Jake said. "Dude, I don't talk much so just shut up and let Georgia speak." Felix said. "Thank you Felix." Georgia said. "I'll check on the prisoners since I know the plan." Jackson said and left the room. After he left, Georgia told us the plan.

Becka's Pov
Georgia told us the plan and I just looked at her. "Seriously." I said. "Yes." Georgia said. "Great." I said. I went to my house after a few minutes of understanding a couple of things about the plan and slept for next day. *The next day* I got to Jackson's base after school and was bored out of my mind. We were all in Jackson's plan room when the alarm went off. "Intruder alert, intruder alert." Blared through the alarms. "They're right on time." Nick said. "So let's show them a fight." Stephanie said. "Becka, stay here and make sure you're not seen. We don't need the plan ruined." Georgia said. "Whatever." I said. They left and I just stayed in the room. Soon later, I heard footsteps so I his in the shadows and waited for them to pass. Once they did, I just went on my watch. "After all of this, I'm going to kill Georgia." I whispered to myself. Moments later and my comrades came back into the room. "Well, they finally took back the prisoners." Georgia said. "They have names." Felix said. "Who cares. That took long." Stephanie said. "Yeah." Jason said. Ashlynn then punched him the face. "That's for hitting me in the back of my head." Ashlynn said. "I think you broke my face." Jason said. "Improvement." Ashlynn said. "So when are we putting the plan into action?" Blake asked. "As soon as possible, right Becka." Georgia said. "Whatever." I said. "Just make sure the plan falls through." Jackson said. "You guys have weird plans." Jake said. "Better than what you've come up with." Stephanie said. "I'm going to my weapons lab." Marth said. "We'll go." James said, putting his arm around both Ashlynn and Tina and they all left. I left to my house and stayed in my room.

Chooki's Pov
We managed to get Termin, Yasmin, Guren and Katie our. We were at Yasmin's house talking. "That was the fastest time you guys have done this." Yasmin said. "Yeah." Guren said. Then there was a knock on the door so I opened it. "Hey bro." Samantha said. "Hey sis." I said. She came inside. We all talked for another hour before going to our house to sleep for tomorrow. I showed Sam to her room, I went to my room, got changed and fell asleep. The next day I got up and got read, I woke Sam up because it's her first day at school and she likes to sleep in. Once I got her up, I at breakfast and waited for a bit. Soon, Sam came downstairs and we both went outside. "Hey Chooki, hey Sam." A voice said and we looked back to see Joshua, Amanda and Yasmin since Guren went to his house. "Hey." Sam said. We all walked to school. Then a teacher wanted to talk to Joshua and Amanda so they left. Yasmin decided to take Samantha to the office for her schedule. I went to my locket to grab some stuff. "Hello there, Chooki." A person said and I turned to see a girl. (So not stalkerish at all) "Hey, uh, Becka wasn't it." I said."Yeah, can I ask you something?" Becka asked. "Sure." I said. Then she kissed me. I almost immediately pushed her off and saw Yasmin running. "Fudge." I said and ran after her. "Yasmin, wait up." I said and she stopped making me stop. "You know, I believed that you actually liked me. Looks like I was wrong. If you didn't like me then you could have said it to my face. I'm crying. Looks like I'm weak after all." Yasmin said as tears went down her face and she ran again. "Your not weak, you got it all wrong." I quietly said to myself.

Samantha's Pov
Once Yasmin ran again, I looked at Chooki. There was only six people, including me, that saw what happened. Two was Rose and Nate while the others I didn't know. "Bro, what happened?" I asked as Rose and Nate stood next to me. "She kissed me. She said that she wanted to ask me something and kissed me. I pushed her off but Yasmin must of thought I kissed her." Chooki said. "He's right, I saw." Rose aid. "I'll talk to her." I said. What about class?" Nate asked. "My friends and brother are more important plus, I'll just be late." I said and ran in Yasmin's directon. From what I remember, Chooki told me that Yasmin used to go to a park when she's sad so that's where I went. I found her in a practically empty place under a tree. "Hey." I said. "Hi." Yasmin said and wiped her tears away. "Wanna talk." I said as I sat next to her. "I thought I wasn't weak. Proved myself wrong." Yasmin said as more tears fell. "You're not weak." I said. "Really, I almost died twice, I've been captured twice, I've been turned dark twice, I wanted to give up my life because I didn't want to live and I almost tried to kill my family and your brother." Yasmin said. "Well, you've done better things. Plus, we both know that you only wanted to do that because you found out I was his sister." I said. "Yeah." Yasmin said. "Don't get angry with me but maybe you should hear Chooki's side of the story." I suggested. "Yeah but not today. We should get back to school, we don't want you anymore late than you should be." Yasmin said. "Good thing we have to same first classes." I said. "Yeah." Yasmin said as we got up. We went back to school and to our first class. "You know, it's a bad to be late, especially on the first day." The teacher said as Yasmin sat down. "Sorry but Yasmin was showing me around. I'm sure the office said that they were going to inform you.' I said. "Oh right, class, this is Samantha Mason." The teacher said, trying not to make a fool of herself. "Sup, just call me Sam though." I said. "Uh, right, please take a seat next to Yasmin." The teacher said and I sat next to Yasmin. "Guren moved to that seat next to Alexia who swapped seats with Alexia a couple of weeks ago." Yasmin whispered, pointing to them. "Right." I whispered back as class started.

*timeskip to after school*

Georgia's Pov
I was talking to Jackson and Ashlynn when Becka and Felix came up to us. "You owe me big time Georgia." Becka said. "Yeah, you done it right." I said. "Yup." Becka said. "Since she's going to be sad then she would walk home alone so Georgia can get her while Jason gets Chooki." Jackson said. "Well, I better get to my place." I said. "Yeah, make sure that you get her. I need her power or else." Jackson said. "Yeah yeah, I know. You told me like a billion times today." I said. "I'll get Marth and Jake to set up the cage." Jackson said. "And we'll just hang out at base." Ashlynn said. "Yup, well got to go if we want this plan done early and not mess it up." I said. "See you at base." Becka said. I went up to my place and saw Yasmin walking home with her head down so I put the plan into action. I knocked her out. I then called Jason. "I got Yasmin, you got Chooki?" I asked. "Yup, though it was kind of hard." Jason said. "Good now we better get them to base." I said and started getting Yasmin to Jackson's base. The entire plan was coming together smoothly. Once this works out, nothing can stop us, mainly Jackson.

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