Who am I now?

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Linkin Park~ In the end

Laughing Jack POV

I was waken by Sally screaming,

''SHE'S HERE SHE'S FINALLY HERE!'' I then got out of bed cause I wanted to see what she looks like, I opened the door and walk in to the lounge room were Slender Man had placed her on the table. She looks pretty beat up but she a smile cut in to her face and was sown up, she has blood red hair but one side of her hair was gone probably had her hair ripped out.

''Everyone well come Emily, Emily Smiles,'' Slender says wiping some dried blood away from her mouth, Emily this can't be you or is it I'll figure it out when your a wake.

''I HAVE A NEW SISTER YAY!'' Sally yelled.

''I can fix her hair when she wakes up Slender,'' Jane tells Slender Man.

''yeah she will wake up in about 3, 2, 1,'' The all of the sudden Emily sat up, her eyes were fully black and they were dripping bits of blood,

''WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!'' she yelled as she ran up to Jane who had her knife in her hand. She then quickly grabbed it out of Jane's hand and pointed it at us.

''Emily its alright we are not going to hurt you,'' Slender tells her,

''Creepy Pasta's,'' she said a she notice Jeff walking in.

''so you know us,''

''I know every single on of you but I don't know him,'' she says pointing at me.

''Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, Slender Man and Sally,'' she adds.

''how do you know me?'' Sally asked,

''You were raped and murdered at the park I was attacked at and where's Ben I know he's here,'' she replied, she still had the knife pointed at us.

''don't answer that but why am I here?''

''look to you left in to the mirror,'' Slender tells her, She looked to her left and dropped the knife.

''I brought you back by putting a very strong spirit in you, it won't effect you but you have gained it's strength,'' Slender adds. She didn't reply she just stood there looking at the mirror,

''and if you want I can fix your hair,'' Jane offers. Emily didn't do anything but nod, Jane grabbed her hand and dragged her in to her room.

''well at least we don't need to introduce ourselves,'' I say trying to be funny.

Emily POV

I followed Jane in to her room where she pulled out a chair and told me to sit, I sat on the chair as she looks at me,

''cause you lost so much hair on my side of you hair its ether shave one side or shave your whole head,'' she tells me.

''Shave half please,''

''Okay I'll go get a comb and a shaver,'' Jane says as she walks in to her bathroom. When she returned she had a black comb and a shaver, she began to split my hair in to two. She concentrated to make sure it was even bore she began to shave the left side of my hair. Whens he finished I looked in to her mirror the hair cut suited me and I sort of smiled but when I did I noticed my teeth looked sharp as if I could rip someones throat out.

''I'l' take you to you house and you can grab some things but first I'll show you around the house,'' Jane tells me. I nod and follow her as she lead me around the house showing me everything, she lead me up stairs and pointed to a door.

''my rooms down stairs but yours is on the second floor with LJ, EJ and BD,'' she tells me.

''who are they?'' I ask,

''LJ is Laughing Jack, EJ is Eyeless Jack and BD is Ben Drowned,'' she replies.

''I know who LJ, BD and Sally are cause I was attacked at the same place where Sally was murdered, LJ was killed accidentally and where Ben committed suicide,''

''Oh okay,'' she says as she moves her black hair out of her sight.


Oh my phone I forgot I had it, I quickly pulled it out of my pocket.

Jane POV

Emily then fell to her knees and began crying,

''what's wrong?'' I ask her but she didn't reply.I picked up her phone and read the message.

Unknown: I'm deeply sorry but I have to tell you that your sister had be killed in a car accident I'm sorry for your loss.

I didn't know what to do some random just messaged her telling her, her sister just died. I knelt down next to her and hugged her.

TV down stairs- And tonight a young girl killed in a car accident and a girl missing. Emily Comley went missing this morning and the police are still looking for her. The young girl that was killed in the car accident was Justice Comley which we just got informed is Emily Comley's younger sister, the other car hit the drivers side killing Justice instantly.


''why?'' I heard EJ ask.

TV- and this is what Emily looks like and if you have seen her or know her whereabouts please call the police.

''oh shit,'' EJ said turning off the TV and came running up the stairs and saw me hugging Emily who's crying.

''I'm so sorry,'' he apologised. She didn't reply but she said,

''when can I go to my house and grab things?''

''LJ and Jeff will take you around 9pm its only 8 now so I'll show you to your room,'' I tell her as we both stand up I showed her, her room. It had black walls with a queen sized bed, and had a flat screen TV.

''Thank you for everything,'' I heard her say as she walked in tot her room and sat on her bed.

''oh and in this house we have a rule if you see the Rake or Lord Zalgo run do not fight,'' she nods.

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