AWW so adorable

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I know what you did last summer.

Emily POV

I barely had any blood covering me which was a surprise due to how much the bodies were bleeding, I walked over to where everyone was standing.

''your pretty skilled for a newborn,'' I heard someone say behind me, the person was skeleton like but was glowing red; he also had black fallen angel wings. LJ, EJ, Jane and Jeff ran and stood between me and him, 

''What do you want?'' Jane asked as she carried her knife,

''oh I heard about the newborn creepy pasta and wanted to come see her,'' he replied with a smile.

''you are not going anywhere near her'' LJ yells angrily,

''oh I'm not hurt her like I did to the others she's stronger and could be of use,'' he says as he disappears. A few minutes later he appeared infant of me and tried to stab me, I dodge it and stabbed him in the wing. He then grabbed my wrist and picked me bridal style,

''PUT ME DOWN YOU FREAK!'' I yelled,I kicked around so he would drop me, but he didn't.

''PUT EM DOWN DOWN!'' LJ yelled as he stabbed him with a knife, I was about to hit the ground but LJ caught me and ran back behind the group.

''you are not going to get her Lord so you better just leave before we get Slender,'' Jeff said.

''she will come to me when she realises who she really is,'' he said before disappearing in to black smoke, I was still in LJ's arms but I didn't mind. He felt warm and it felt as if he was nervous holding me for some reason.

''he's alive and Slender will be pissed,'' EJ said looking at me who was staring in to space,

''Em are you okay?'' Jane asked, I looked at her.

''what does he mean by realise who she really is?'' I asked them, they all sighed and looked to the ground.

''umm well creepy pasta's have a darker side and well he is like Slender but darker and eviler,'' Jane replies,

''and when we realise who we really are we get to choose sides Slender or Lord,'' LJ adds as he helps me back to the ground.

''there's no way I'm going on his side,'' I tell them but they still looked down,

''meany has said that but they all change their minds,'' EJ says before turning away and heading towards to house.

''don't worry about him just a bad past,'' LJ says playing with my hair, I smiled but I felt sorry for EJ cause he maybe lost a close friend or girlfriend to the darker side. The group made out way back to house, Slender was standing on the porch.

''Lord is still alive,'' Jane said emotionless,

''I heard,'' he replied in a dark tone, a black aura surround him; I could sense everyones fear.

''but don't worry I'll protect you all,'' he added with a warm tone. Everyone sighed and walked inside Sally was already in her room asleep.

''Em,'' I heard LJ say,


''umm well I got boy this for your birthday,'' he tells me handing me a teddy bear with black and white tentacles, it has a smile with sharp teeth and dark brown fur.

''umm well I got boy this for your birthday,'' he tells me handing me a teddy bear with black and white tentacles, it has a smile with sharp teeth and dark brown fur

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''I love it,'' I said hugging him,

''there's another surprise,'' he tells me, I looked at there bear and noticed it was breathing.

''hello Em,'' the bear said I couldn't help but smile.

''oh hello do you have a name?'' I asked,

''no but you can give me one,'' he tells me. I have no idea what to name him but terror suits him, 

''Terror that suits you,'' I said as he swung on my arms with his tentacles.

''okay my name is Terror and I'm your gift from Laughing Jack,'' he tells me in a creepy tone that suited him. I hugged him he was really soft and cuddly, I saw LJ smile and I smiled back.

''aww you guys are so cute,'' Jane says.

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