Weird girls

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Thank y'all for waiting for me. Have had writers block for like 8 years (not really). Didn't get much feedback on my story so far, but feel free to comment your opinion. Again, I'm sorry for not updating in a while, but please enjoy this semi-long chapter.(370 words)

I stand up off the chair to realize my legs were weak from sitting so long. As I pick up my books quickly I glance at the clock.

"Ugh, I missed lunch"

I walk out of the classroom hoping nobody would notice me (Senpai). Luckily I saw a few groups standing outside classroom doors.

Putting my anti-social ways to the side, I walk up to a group.

"Hay peeps" I say with nervousness.

They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hi" some girl says. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"Oh I'm Kelly" I respond. Why don't they want to talk to me?

"So what are you guys doing?" I say trying to communicate at little more.

"We're just talking..." says some other chick.

Maybe I shouldn't talk to these girls. I look across the hallway to see Orva trying to wave me down.

"I gotta go, bye guys!" I say waking away.

I heard a small whisper of somebody saying something like "who was that girl?" Did I have something on my face? I pat my face with my hand, checking for anything. Nope, nothing.

"Where have you been missy?" Orva says, worried.

I didn't want to tell her I practically fell asleep in class.

"I um, had lunch detention". Good enough "From Ms.Petey?" she asks, confused.

"Yea, turns out she wasn't nice after all" I proudly say.

"Alrighty then". She gave me a few quick glances, still skeptical about my fake lunch detention. I feel bad for lying to her.

"Who's your next teacher?" Orva asks abruptly.

"It's Mr.Grey, band class".

I'm not so excited  for this next guy. Already from his name I'm judging him. He could be like some creepy old guy with grey hair and thin limbs.

"Mr.Grey?" Orva responds. "That's an old guys name"

I laugh a little. She just happened to be judging him the same time I was. We aren't very good people.

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