I have been ordered to fight against the people until they testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and until they establish the Salah and pay the Zakah. And if they do so then they will have gained protection from me for their lives and property, unless [they commit acts that are punishable] in accordance to Islam, and their reckoning will be with Allah the Almighty.
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الاربعين النوويه
Разноеمجموعه احاديث الامام النووي المكونه من ٤٠ حديثا تعد من اهم مجموعات الاحاديث حاليا . الامام النووي كون هذه المجموعه من ٤٢ حديثا و ليس ٤٠ فقط . لقد كان واحدا من اكبر علماء الاسلام و عاش من سنه ٦٣١ ه حتي سنه ٦٧٦ ه ، و توفي عن عمر ٤٥ عاما . ان الله بار...