Yo ima start a tag.... Yo.

19 3 4

One: I have a third nipple


Three: My little pony

Four: FairytailisBAE FictionalYT LocoForCoco13 and PixelatedPichu


Probably never changing it

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Probably never changing it

Six: Gale or Whofflé

Seven: January 16 buy me sturf

Eight: this may sound like I'm boasting, but I don't really have any fears

Nine: like a ten year old

Ten: Tsukema Tsukeru by Vocaloid

Eleven: I made my account because all my friends made one

Twelve: I don't really know what this means, so I'm just going to list my favourite characters form television shows.
And Cas

PixelatedPichu FictionalYT FairytailisBAE -lilkitti19- FluffeeKittah because I don't really have many active followers
(P.s. I got this from Mimiwonderdoodles)

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