A Text From Ex

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A Text From Ex


Gives advice and tries to calm you down.

Best Friend:

Takes your phone just to curse and plan for a bloody murder.


"Seungkwan-ah!!!! 'He' texted me! What do I do!?" Jihoon shouted as he jumped from the couch.

"Oh my- He did not!" Seungkwan said, completely baffled.

"He really did!" Jihoon said. Panic clearly seen from his face.

He showed the phone to Seungkwan.

/Seungcheol/: Hey there Jihoonie.

"Oooohh!!! I thought Mr. Jerk-face-bastard was already dead! Tsk tsk, I paid a lot to get him killed and here he is!? Alive and texting!? " Seungkwan exclaimed.

"Wait wha-"

"I was joking Hoonnie don't worry." He said, "but still! The nerve of this arse! How dare he!?"

"What do I do!?"

"Gimme your phone!" Seungkwan said as he took Jihoon's phone.

/Kwannie/: What do you want?

/S/: I just wanna say sorry bae ^^ Forgive me?

"Noo!!! My phone! Kwannie!!!" Jihoon shouted in panic as Seungkwan attempted to break the phone to pieces.

"But this jerk is just- argh!!!!" Seungkwan screamed in frustration.

"Just- just reply Kwan, but PLEASE keep my phone safe."

/K/: Lemme guess? Got tired of your bitch? Or is it the other way around?

/S/: Jeonghan wasn't my bitch as you call him. It was just a fling. You're the one I love, please forgive me *insert crying emoticon*

/K/: How about- No?

/S/: But I can't live without you bae~~

/K/: Then die.

/S/: But bae~~ TT^TT I'm really sorry~~ I love you so much Jihoonie my bae~~

"Kwan!!!" Jihoon shouted once more as Seungkwan tried to destroy the phone once more.

"But this arsehole is getting on my nerves! Calling you 'bae' after all that happened!? Awwee I can't live without you~ Then fucking DIE bitch! I could just skin him alive and drown him in freaking alcohol! No wait- I'm gonna make sure he lives a long and very painful life. I WILL make him suffer-"

"Woah woah! Keep your gross sadism to yourself!! My gawd!! " Jihoon interrupted Seungkwan's plans on making Cheol suffer, a.k.a his gross sadism.

"But Jihoonnie!!!" Seungkwan whined.

"You know what? Let's just ignore that cheating bastard." Jihoon suggested.

"Yeah! Let's go have a High School Musical movie marathon!! I'm gonna go call the pizza place!" Seungkwan squealed in delight as he ran to the living room.

"Get me the usual!! I'll get the drinks out!"

"Dibs on the coke!"

"All we have is coke!!"

"Fine then!"

*sigh* "This idiot," he smiled. "What would I do without him." Jihoon said to himself as he stood up to get the drinks.

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