Chapter 6

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Ugh. I hate mornings when you have to get out of bed. I hate school too and I hate mornings when you have to get up for school.

I picked out my clothes for the day and underwear and set them on my bed. I walked into the bathroom remembering last night. I pushed those thoughts out of my head, stripped down and hopped in the shower, I put the temperature where I like it. I washed my hair with apple shampoo and conditioned it with the matching conditioner.

I washed myself and got out, I wrapped my blue fluffy towel around me and walked into my room and got dried, the cuts from yesterday stinging. I put my underwear and clothes on that I left out.

I dried my hair and threw it up into a ponytail. I couldn't be arsed to do anything else with it.

My parents were already away to work, I decided to walk today because it was only a 20 minute walk to school. I put my earphones in and put on a random play list, 'She's a rebel' by Green Day came on, I loved this song.

I walked up to the gates of hel- , sorry school and walked to my locker, I grabbed the books I needed and walked towards my first class. I walked into someone again. My books fell out of my arms and onto the floor, I bent down to get them , ignoring the stinging pain in my legs.

"Sorry", the person muttered. I lifted my eyes to see a cute boy with blonde hair.

"It's okay" I replied smoothly. He bent down to help me pick them up.

"My name's Neil. I'm new here." He smiled brightly.

"I guessed that." I replied sadly.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Because, you spoke to me." I smiled.

"Do you not have any friends or something?" He asked still with a confused look on his face.

I laughed lightly,"I do, but they don't go to this school and I'm kinda like the loner around here."

"Well," Said the bubbly boy smiling wide, "I shall be your new friend."

"Trust me, if you want to be popular, stay away from me." I said warning him.

"I don't want to be popular. I want to have genuine friends, and to me you seem genuine." He told me.

"Okay," I sighed, "We can be friends."

"Yay, I made a friend!" He exclaimed.

"What's your next class?" I questioned.

"Science, what about you?" He said.

"Same, I'll take you there." I told him.

"Thank god, I haven't got a clue where I'm going." He laughed.

I chuckled alongside him.

"Let's go to science before Miss McKellen kills us." I joked.

A look of fake horror and fear crossed his face, "I'm too young to die." He cried.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh give over, c'mon we gotta go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along to science.


We were just out of Math and heading to the cafeteria. I wasn't that hungry so I waited outside on Neil. He came out carrying a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a orange juice.

"Shall we go outside?" I asked Neil.

"Whatever, I don't mind" He replied with a face filled with food.

I told him to follow me outside the school. We walked around the corner and through a fence.

"Are we allowed out here?" He asked me.

"Nobody else knows about it." I replied simply.

We stepped into the big field. Neil looked in awe at the beautiful sight.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" I rhetorically asked him.

"Do you come out here often?" He asked me as we sat on the green grass.

"Everyday, I used to come out here with-" I got choked up. I couldn't speak anymore.

He just nodded and hugged me.

"I know I haven't known you that long but I think we'll be the best of friends." He smiled at me.

"I'd really like that." I smiled back at him.

We sat in a comfortable silence and ate until the bell rang.

Sorry that was really bad and I know I haven't updated in a while but I promise I'll try to make the next chapter better and upload it quicker.

Yall know what to do xx

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