Perfect Disaster

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Jenny Partridge which is the only friend I have calls me. I don't want to pick it up but my dad is yelling from downstairs to answer the dang phone! I have no other choice left.

"Hello Tea, How are you? Hope you'll love New York."

I thank her and I secretly continue to cry. She asks with such a suspicious tone,

"Something wrong? I hear crying?"  I immediately reply with a big fat NO.

"Anyways, Don't worry much about me, Kimberly just invited me to a sleepover and Blake's friend Mike asked me out on a date. Since everyone heard that your leaving, everyone is  suddenly talking to me. All these years of us being friends have held me back! You ruined my life, The only reason I was friends with you all these years is because my other friend had died in an accident. The truth is no one really hated me, They hated you and now so do I. Teagan enjoy your fuckin' life while i'll be having the best time in mine!"

I hate her so much, All these years she was using me.

I replied,"Have fun in your shitty life! I hope you get killed by a train or something,bitch! I can guarantee you that no matter how hard you try to look for, you will never find a friend like me!" I hang up the phone and continue to cry even more. I am in such pain right now.

My world has officialy fell apart. This has been the worst day ever even though my crush kissed me and all, My life is falling apart every second.

I can't continue hanging on. My mum calls me down to go eat but I don't want to eat it will only make me fatter. I yell, "Eat it yourself mum if you want, I'm not coming down!"

My dad comes up furiously and drags me down the stairs by pulling my hair as a grip to hold onto while dragging me down. Ouch my hair.

I started swearing in my father's face to let me go. He smacked me in the face and shouted," Get a life Teagan, You have ruined our lives! Every day you come home being sad and we wouldn't know what to do. The decision is final we are going home tomorrow whether you like it or you don't. Now go eat, The food costs money and we have a hard time getting that. Now go before I smack you again!"

My dad is so mean to me and I really hate him. I hate everyone. My life is a mess. I have to eat now or my dad will smack me again. I am in pain physically and emotionally sadly. Living in New York with my dad will be hell, I guarantee you.

I go and eat and my mum is on the phone with grandma and she explains how she is not going to New York and I can hear grandma crying on the phone. Mum hangs up the phone and makes her way to go to bed.

I tell her," Mum aren't you forgetting something? The dishes need to be done." She replies, "Do them yourself and see you tomorrow, I am tired of living this life. Goodnight darling." What's up with my mum ? I suppose she's upset that she has to live without her two daughters and the husband that she is divorcing.

Autumn and Macy are playing with their dolls and as I am finished from eating, I went near them. Usually, I never talk to my sisters as they don't really like me that much. Macy is now on my lap crying.

I ask her what's the matter but she won't seem to reply. Autumn said, "She is crying because she is not going to see me, you or dad." I hug Macy and explain to her about how everything will be okay in the end and we will end up being a family again someday.

Dad overheard our conversation and comes in near us and says, "My lovely daughters, I love you all, Macy someday you will be living with us in New York. I promise you that one day I will come and get you." Macy replies, "Why do Teagan and Autumn get to live in the big city while I'm stuck here with mum?" There was a long silence, I can't believe those words came out of a 4 year olds mouth. There was a long silence.

Dad replies," Every night you would cry because you told us you hated that we would be travelling to another country and staying there forever, and you can't leave mum alone Macy." Macy nods and continues playing with her dolls. My dad leaves the room. "I love you dad, Someday I will meet you again" yelled Macy. Dad turned around, smiled and turned away again. Macy is a very intelligent child. I will miss her. I told Macy and Autumn that since we are leaving tomorrow they both can sleep in my room tonight. Macy was jumping up and down with joy.

We headed upstairs and went to bed, Macy cuddled up next to me on the same bed and Autumn cuddled up on the other side. The morning came and dad came to wake us up very early. Our plane was to leave at about 14:00 PM. It is only 6:00 AM right now but dad told us we have to wash ourselves and make sure we didn't leave anything behind. I went to wash myself and headed to go eat breakfast.

Blake texted me that his plane will leave today at 14:00 PM. I text him that my plane will leave at the same time so we are going to be on the same plane. Blake is such a nice guy. I found my prince charming. Mum is writing letters, I think they're for my family. As soon as she finished writing them she gives them to me and told me to remember her by she wrote each one of us a special letter.

 I went to hug her and tears were falling from my eyes. I will miss my mum and I really wish that she changes her mind and comes back to New York but we all know that my mum never changes her decisions. Time goes by and now it is 12:00 PM and we head to the airport. My dad goes and cuts the tickets from the ticket booth for our plane. I am sitting next to mum, Macy and Autumn. I am looking at our passports and I realized that for the first time I actually came looking good in a photo.

I see Blake waving at me and I go running up to him and hug him and he lifts me up in the air. I swear that if you saw us you'd actually think we were actors playing roles in a movie. God, He is so handsome. Dad stares blankly at us and comes up marching. He is yelling at me and saying, "Why are you hugging a stranger Teagan?" I am so mad at my dad right now for embarrassing me in front of my yet to be boyfriend. I reply, " Dad this is Blake, Blake this is John my dad. Dad he is my best friend and coincidentally he is also moving to New York."

Dad says, "Oh my bad, continue flirting, I mean being friends."  Dad is embarrassing me so much. Dad leaves and goes in the queue again. Blake said, "Teagan, I love you, Always have and always will, Please be my girlfriend because if you say no, I will not come to New York because I would be coming for nothing."

I kiss him and we continue to kiss for almost a minute. People are clapping their hands and are cheering for us. Oh my, This is better than a fairy-tale. I grab his hands and I introduce him to my mum and sisters. I explain to him about how my mum will not be coming to New York and neither one of my sisters will be coming.

Me and Blake go and take a cup of coffee and some cheese cakes and we are so in love. "Teagan, Nice weather today right? So lucky to have you baby girl. " I reply back saying," Nice weather indeed it is, You are wrong cupcake. I am lucky to have you dear." It is officially time to go. I say goodbye once more to mum and Macy.

Earlier I had asked Blake how come that he is alone and why he isn't with his family. He didn't reply back. Something is not right here but anyways this trip is about having a new life. Once I get on the plane, Blake refused to go on it. I asked him why he's refusing to go on the plane and I asked him where's his luggage.

Okay, Something is seriously wrong here. Out of nowhere, Kimberly pops up from behind a bush and she begins laughing at me. She said, "You fool, You actually thought Blake the hottie will fall for you and that he would move to New York with you.

Guess again you were wrong. I fooled you, Your so stupid Teagan for actually thinking fairy tales were true.  I have all of these on camera including yesterday's scene as well. I am going to put it online so everyone will see how stupid you really are. Have a sad time crying on your voyage you stupid girl!" I am seriously crying right now, How had I believed him? I should have never trusted a player.

I had coffee in my hand and a water bottle in another. I threw the coffee all over Blake and squirted the water bottle all over Kimberly and I replied," I will have an awesome voyage and I will be in New York, While you're stuck here!"

I told Blake," You used me, I hate you, I hate you all!" I hop on the plane again and everyone in the plane is staring at me.

They gave me those faces like I had killed someone.

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