Journey to New York

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I am feeling very used and I hate my life. I thought my life will be hell and now it will be even more once that devil of Kimberly puts the video online.

I hate her guts and I wish she would die already! I calculated that it would take about 3 hours to get from United Kingdom to New York. The Air Hostess gave me and my family some packed lunches. They were so delicious unlike the food mum cooks us.

I went running to the bathroom so I could cry and not be ashamed.I was sobbing with tears and a man was hitting the door of the bathroom so he would be able to do his thing. He is so annoying. 

I got out of there and i'm wiping my eyes so my dad won't have to ask me what's wrong. I went seating back to my seat and I began surfing the internet on my laptop. I discovered this new website where you can create a blog and post things called Tumblr. I got addicted to this social network and began re-blogging pictures which I seemed to have an interest in. I was following about 200 blogs. I had about 50 followers in about 2 hours.

Pretty cool for a nerd. Yes, pretty cool indeed.

I logged into facebook and got a long text from Blake saying,

Hi Tea,I know how much you probably hate me right now. I know that you think I am a bad guy and all but Kimberly paid me £50 just to make fun of you. I needed the money urgently so I couldn't resist the chance. I am really sorry and I want you to forgive me.  My grandmother wants us to go to New York so this time we accepted the opportunity. So I am going to stay in New York. Next FridayI will be in New York. I want to appoligize to you in person and I hope we can start over. When I was 'pretending' to be your boyfriend, I actually started to have feelings for you :)x

I replied,

Don't talk to me, Thanks for standing up for me but I hate what you did. If you really liked me, You woun't have done what you did. No, I will not meet up with you and yes, I hate you.

He replied,

Then I will track you down, One way or another I will see you face to face ;). 

I replied,

Let Kimberly know that I hate her guts and if she ever tries to do something like that again there will be consequences and if you try to track me down the same consequences would apply to you ;). 

After that I didn't get a reply back. Phew.

I was trying to get my mind off Blake and Kimberly. They can piss off if they want.

On my Facebook wall Kimberly posted the whole video! There were lots of hateful and very nasty comments on it like, Teagan go die, Your such a dorky nerd, Loser.

Almost everyone removed me from being a friend on Facebook as if I really care. 

Even Jenny the backstabber commented on the comments saying,Teagan, You aren't wise enough to realize that fairytales don't come true, Grow up you geek and go die in a hole, You ruined my fuckin' life bitch.

I cannot believe I wasted all of my life being 'friends' with Jenny. She is such a backstabber. If I would have known she was using me all these years, Revenge would have happened but it's too late now.

Blake commented on the video saying, Okay so what? I was playing a role which Kimberly assigned me to do. To all of those who are commenting harshful comments get a fuckin' life off Ebay. Leave Teagan alone. Thanks to all of you she is leaving and so am I. Good day losers. 

Even though he played me like that I appreciated the fact that he was the only one who stood up for me. I can't still believe that the video got up to 200 likes in 5 minutes. I must be a real legend, Yeah right... 

I typed in the comment section of the video saying,

First of all, I would like to tell Kimberly to get a fuckin' life and to get the fuck out of mine. She ruined my whole life since I moved to England. She has been bullying me all these years and I never did anything about it and now I finally gave up. You win Kimberly but just so you know someday Karma will bite you in the ass and I will be there to watch it ;). Jenny, You used me too, you pretended to be my friend for 11 years, I always have been a loyal friend to you and remember when you said that we will let nothing get in the way of out friendship last week? Well yeah, You totally changed to a bitch in 1 week. To all of the commenters and likers, Go get a life and please, FUCK OFF!

I feel really proud of saying these words which I didn't have the courage to do so before. I should be a hero. Or in this case, My own hero. Woah, In 5 minutes my comment got liked by 50 people. It feels so good to stand up for yourself even if it means standing alone. 

Blake sent me a message again saying,

Nice going tiger ;) Feel proud that you finally stood up for yourself. I never saw this side of you. I want to make it up to you. I have a surprise for you when I come to New York. 

He is so freakin' annoying. Did he actually think I was going to give him my address? Think again, Blake.

I replied, 

I have had enough of this bullshit, You never knew me and you will never know me. Why all of a sudden your starting to like me now ey? If you were a man you would have came by my side a long time ago not now Blake. I liked you before but I didn't know that you would do this to me. Your a real jerk and I hope that one day you would realize the shit that you just put me through freakin' hurts. Please for heaven's sake, Don't reply back, I have had enough of you and your lies. 

I hope Karma gets him too. Okay so he didn't reply back which means he actually listened to me.

I  am really starting to hate England and I will never EVER live there again. I am so pissed off right now. Anyways, I'm glad to be going back to New York.

 I feel so humiliated right now and I for once I just wish for a miracle to happen just one please?

Another commenter commented,

Teagan you actually thought that a player will like a fatass like you? Listen to me darlin' lose some weight! You look like a hippo. hahhaa

Okay so now I am actually fed up.

Don't people realize that the things they says hurts a lot? I completley  shattered to pieces. Once I get to New York I will be on a diet and I will have to lose 30 kgs (66 lbs).

I got off facebook and now I'm on Tumblr again.This blogsite is a nice place where I can post how I feel and I hope no one from my previous school will find my blog or else they will make fun of me again.

Right now it is time to focus on the positive things like I am meeting my family which I haven't seen for a long time and I am meeting my cousins.  Once I arrive in New York I will make sure I will go shopping for a new wardrobe, make new friends and most importantly get a boyfriend. I learned that in order to be accepted you have to be thin and beautiful because these days people will only care if your beautiful or dead.

So that's what I'm going to do change my whole looks! On the plane Autumn is sleeping on my lap and dad is looking out of the window and drinking a hot cup of tea. I really miss mum I wish she was here right now.

She would have helped me in future problems. Even though there will come a time where I would have been grown up and I wouldn't need her anymore, This time right here I need her. The plane landed in New York and I am super excited.

I woke up my sister and high-fived dad for making the best decision to coming back here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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