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I wake up early the next day and get up going to the restroom thinking that Andy was still asleep I stay in the bathroom for a bit my stomach upset I put in my earbuds to help me relax


I wake up I see that ash is gone and I start to freak out thinking he left me I sit u and call out for him but he doesn't respond to me I get up not caring that I only have a hospital gown on and walk down the hall holding onto my iv pole screaming for Ashley looking in every room for him some nurses come to me and try to restrain me I push them away and walk faster down the hallway looking for Ashley more nurses come I feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck I go weak sagging against the nurse behind me she carries me off to the mental ward


I come out of the bathroom I see that andy is gone I go and look for a nurse I find one and go to her "hey have you seen andy he was in that room with me" she looks to me "oh yes he was just admitted into the mental ward" "what why he is not mental he is just fine" "he was found wandering the hall half naked screaming at the top of his lungs he resisted help from the nurses we had no choice but to knock him out and admit him for observation he is not allowed visitors at this time but you are welcome to stay in that room and i will notify you when he is allowed visitors" I look to her "alright" she smiles and leaves I go back and sit on the bed I rub my face and pick up my phone I call jinxx he picks up "hey dude what's up" I sigh "Andy is in the mental ward and its all my fault" "dude no its not" "yes it is I thought he was asleep so I got up to pee I left him alone and he freaked out can you come up here please" jinxx sighs "OK dude I will be there soon just stay calm OK dude we can figure this out OK" I take a deep breath "OK dude I'm in room 308 OK" "alright dude" I hang up and sit back trying to stay calm I watch the door waiting for jinxx to come in, about 20 mins later jinxx finally comes in I look up "finally" "hey I came as fast as I could OK" he sits down beside me I lean on him "its OK I'm just worried about Andy" he rubs my back" I know dude its OK we will get him out don't worry" I look up at him "I hope he is OK" "I'm sure he is Hun"

Forever Mine (an Andley/Jahvie /CC and Jinxx story)Where stories live. Discover now