September: Velociraptors At 4 AM

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It was 3:45 AM and I couldn't go to sleep because of a nightmare I recently had. CURSE YOU NIGHTMARE FREDBEAR!!!
Any way I was awake and scared in my living room with my book. I thought to myself. Maybe a little walk will make me feel better. I knew that my parents weren't awake because they wake up at 7:00 am that gave me a good 3 hour window to walk around.

Play music.

The outside was cold with very little sunshine. It still looked SOO pretty. I decided to go to my old elementary school that was 5 minutes away. As I was walking I could've sworn I saw nightmare fredbear behind a pole. I started to run to my school as fast as I could, trying to forget what I just saw.
When I got to my school I went on the "pyramid". It's actually a bunch of red ropes tied together to look like a pyramid and the objective was to get too the top as fast as possible. I smiled remembering the old times. It was pretty hard since it was dark but my DETERMINATION got me through. Once I got to the top I looked around. It was beutiful. I remember that I took a picture but idk were it is...
I decided to walk down and got a bit into the forest. Yes they had like....a mini forest. I was walking around there for a few mins and when I turned around I saw a man walking around. I figured since my parents weren't here I could mess with the man. You might not know this about me but I know how to make a pretty decent Velociraptor sound if I do say so myself..! So I tried it out. Idk how to put the sound in letters :/
The man turned around. His face looked like he had seen Jurassic park because he looked SCARED!
"Umm who's Th-there...?" He asked with fear in his voice. I made the sound again. He started to speed walk away. I smirked at him. Such a poor frightened man... I silently laughed. I made the sound for the 3rd time. This time he started to run! I ran toward him make the "Attack" noise. He screamed and fled the school.

One day later...     Stop music. Plz

I looked at the news. "Man reported sightings of a Velociraptor, At a Napa school." I laugh out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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