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lower caps ahead, for all the grammar/spelling/capitalization nazi's out there!

this book will be on hiatus, or hold, for a very long time.

gosh, i just realised how patronising the first sentence sounded. oops. sorry!

i know i've been promising updates since foooooooorever, however i just can't find the person who wrote this book within me anymore, i don't know. call it a writer's block, if you will. i just don't feel connected to this book.


every time i read this book, i stop, laugh and ask myself what i was thinking. it's so poorly written. 

i'm obviously a different person to who i was last year, because i was really smug about this book a year ago. gosh, how people change! old darlingimonfire deserves a darned whipping for this silly excuse of a book

and also, i just can't be bothered to rewrite it, it's holding me back from moving on. so this is me sticking my middle finger up at this book and screaming "I WILL MOVE ON" mentally. 

if i ever do decide to continue this, which i may. you never know what my bipolar ass feelz like doing, i will make sure i write this 100000x better than i did before, and prolly rewrite the entire plot bc be honest, dis is ugly af.


whilst ur waiting, i will have a new book up ASAP cause we're doing creative writing in english again and i literally need to brush up on my skillz, soooooooooooooooo i will have a new book when i realise that exams are important and i must revise for them otherwise i will fail at life and end up living alone with 10 cats and no one will love me an- you get the gist. 

bye my lovely reader's! hope to see you again soon 

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