Chapter 1

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Hey, I'm currently writing more of this chapter and it's taking forever :/ So, I've decided to publish the chapters in parts :) Here's the first part of the first chapter:) It's not a lot, and I have written more of it, but I haven't finished that part yet.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it :)

Chapter 1 - Jonah

Abandoned by its feathered companions, the Sun stands lonely in the pale blue sky. Although its rays are bright, its colour has slowly transformed from a florescent yellow, into a dull grey. Day after day of being deserted, it had grown cold, and had now wrapped itself up in its own misery.

Suddenly, the Sun's beams of light grew golden as charcoal-coloured clouds drift towards it. Marvelling upon the Sun's lucent radiance, the clouds quickly gather around the Sun, hugging tighter and tighter until the Sun vanished underneath a soft sheet of onyx. The Sun attempts to cut through the liquorice bars that it has been encaged in and pleads for a sparrow or magpie to help the Sun escape, but the clouds morph together, and swallow the Sun whole.

A sigh slithers out of my mouth as I see the sky flicker from ominous black to harsh white, and a roar of enraged thunder follows it. Rain begins to dance and then echo onto my bedroom window like heavy rocks tumbling down a fragile cliff.

I carefully began to slide the silky maroon drapes towards the middle of the window, but failed to finish as a small voice behind me interrupted my action.

"M-master Mortem, your super is ready."

A grin began to take shape of my usual straight face after I realised who was stood behind me. Slowly, my body turned its way to face her soft whisper.

Her gaunt body was clothed in a long black dress that finished just above her tiny filthy brown boots. On top of her dress, a stained white apron was firmly placed, as well as a matching white mob cap on top of her tightly scraped back hair.

"Thank you, Daisy." I replied, trying to suppress another smile as I glimpsed at her face.

A small strand of dark chocolate-coloured hair curled its way from beneath her plain white mob cap down the side of her pale cheek. A pair of thin dark eyebrows sat above her apple green eyes that dilated as I looked intently into them. Her pale defined cheeks turned pink when she realised that I'd been staring at her.

I could not help myself. She was beautiful.

To my surprise, Daisy began to giggle, as if she was embarrassed.

...Why was she laughing at me? Were my clothes creased or dirty? Was my hair disheveled? Did I have paint upon my face?

My eyes darted down to inspect my clothes. There wasn't a single speck of filth or crinkle. I ran my fingers through my hair. There were no tangles. I quickly felt my face, there was no texture of dry paint.

What was wrong with me? I felt the blood rushing towards my cheeks.

"M-master Mortem..." She started.

"Yes?" My voice was angrier then I had intended.

I then realised what I had done.

I had been staring at her for minutes, with my mouth gaped open. I was such a fool. To make matters worse, my cheeks suddenly painted themselves scarlet.

"I am awfully sorry." I frowned at my own actions, "I did not mean to offend you."

She shook her head. "Y-you did not offend me, Master Mortem. I am sorry for laughing."

My smile grew into a grin as she mirrored my facial expression. "I am not sure that I forgive you." I teased, surprised at how confident I had become.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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