
86 4 5

Over dosage

Self harm







I hate all there words so much...

Tonight, I over dosed.

Again I brought the blade to my skin.

I stuck my finger deep inside my throat, and up came all contents of my dinner.

I'm just so tired of it all...

What would you think if I brought that blade to my neck?
What would you think if I tied a rope around myself?
What would you think if I brought the gun to my head?

You wouldn't care, would you?

*laughs harshly*

No one would care...

But I keep going on.

Not for your sake but for mine.

I want to prove to myself that I can do it.

I don't need you.

I don't need all your lies.

And I sure as hell don't need you adding to my fears deep inside.

I'm so tired of all this fucked up shit......

I'm just so tired.......

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