That day in mid-september

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-this is the first ever fan fiction i've written, please leave a comment if you liked it and maybe i will make a second part, please also feel free to post the link to this on your tumblr or twitter if you like it, i hope you do like it, i tried really hard! p.s sorry if my grammar/punctuation isn't very good!-

A girl with long auburn curly hair that was in a half updo stood at the bus stop waiting for the 566 bus, in order to get home from a long day of work. She was beautiful but not in an artificial way just in a natural way, she wore a light pink lipstick and had a simple eye liner and eye shadow. She was the type of girl that blended into a crowd easily, you could easy blink and miss her. Her name was Rhea Francis, she was 22 years old and had been in a long and beautiful relationship with Dan Howell for 9 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. She didn’t just love him, she adored him with every ounce of her existence. Some of her friends joked about the fact that if you cut her open his name would be carved upon her heart as if they were soul mates and were just always meant to be together. They found each other on a cold and rainy day in mid-November, when Dan ran into her in the middle of a department shop and spilled his coffee all down her cream shirt causing it to go all see-through. Both of them were truly embarrassed by what had happened and Dan offered to give her his warm grey hoodie in order to save her walking around London looking like she has taken part in a spring break wet t-shirt competition. Rhea being the shy girl that she was said no, and told him that she would just buy herself a new Christmas jumper and wear that instead. Dan ended up spending the rest afternoon with her and it was on that day that they shared their first kiss. It wasn’t like a normal kiss that Rhea had had before, it was different it was soft and gentle yet rough and perfectly formed. At that moment Rhea knew that this was no normal kiss, this was no normal stranger, and this was someone who Rhea had been searching for. She had found her ‘Mr Right’.

The 566 bus arrived and Rhea boarded it thinking back to that night in November all those months ago, and how fast those 9 blissful months had gone by. Yes they had had their fair shares of fights and at one point 4 months into the relationship they almost broke up. It was that night that Dan first told Rhea he loved her and couldn’t live without her. The next week they moved in together into the apartment Dan shared with his flat mate Phil. Rhea found it easy to get on with Phil because Phil reminded her of her older brother Dean who always looked out for her and made sure she was alright for money and everything. Dean had been looking after Rhea since their parents passed away the first year Rhea was at university training to be a school teacher.

Rhea started to think about all the school books she needed to mark and then she would have to make tea for her, Dan and Phil. She didn’t mind doing this but her mind was on other things and she didn’t really feel like having to do all this work tonight. Her mind began to wander and being to think about the Dan again, recently Dan had been really secretive, taking phone calls in the middle of the night, going out places without telling her where he was going and just generally hiding things from her. Rhea was never the protective type or one of those people who get easily jealous but after a while Rhea was started to think that Dan was seeing another women and was cheating on her. Her eyes began to slowly fill with water, her phone made its usually ping to tell her she got a message. The screen lit up, it was from Dan. It read:

“Rhea, we need to talk when you get back, I have stuff that I need to say, meet me in our bedroom? Dan”

No kisses, no sign of it being a happy chat, this was the moment she knew, she knew that it had to be over, that tonight on the15th of September her and the love of her life Dan were going to break up. She began to cry and thought about what her life was going to be like without him, she had no idea where she was going to go, what she was going to do and it sucked, she was going to have to call Dean and ask whether she could move in with him and his wife. It was embarrassing and awkward but she would just have to suck up her pride and do it. An old man on the bus looked up at Rhea and saw she was crying, he came over to her and sat with her.

“I know I don’t know you, I don’t know what you’re going through or why you’re upset, but I grew up in a time where if a lady was crying you had to go and sit with her and make sure she was okay, so do you want a tissue my love?” he asked. He paused for a second and waited for Rhea’s response. Rhea spoke gently with little pauses as she trying to stop the tears from falling “yes, please”. The old man continued “Look my lovely, you are a beautiful young woman, and there is no reason for those tears, if you want we could talk about it, i always find that that helps”. “Its just, my boyfriend I think he has been cheating on me, and I think he is going to leave me tonight and I mean I love him and I don’t know what to do without him and well…” Rhea spurted out as tears were streaming down her face. The old man spoke again “look if that is true and your boyfriend has been cheating on you, he isn’t worth your time of day, its all going to be okay”. “I really hope so, thank you for coming over but this is my stop i better go and face the music as they say, thanks again” Rhea replied and she pushed the stop button and began to leave the bus.

She walked down the road towards her house, she composed herself and unlocked the door, she walked up the flight of stairs to the flat door, and opened it. “Dan, I’m home” she shouted into the empty dark hallway. Phil must be out she thought and she went into the sitting room to see the lights off. “I’m in our bedroom, did you get my text?” Dan replied. “Yes I did” Rhea shouted back and she took off her coat and walked to their bedroom.

There was Dan standing in the middle of the room in his suit, looking as gorgeously handsome as he always does. He looked nervous, all around the room lay rose petals and the background a piece of classical music played softly. “Rhea, we need to talk” he began. "You are the one person who makes the grey days sunny and bright. You make me smile when i physically don't want too. You are the rain just after a drought and the rainbow after a rainstorm. You are my lover, my soul mate, my best friend basically Rhea you are my everything" he says as tears slowly fill his eyes. “I knew from that first kiss that we shared that you were something special and I didn’t know how special until we spent that whole night a week after I met you, talking about our families and watching that cheesy rom-com from about 10 years ago, at that moment Rhea I knew I knew you were the one, I knew that I loved you”. Dan begun to speak again with that kind of sexy rasp his has to his voice when he is emotional "Rhea you are the one i want to spend every waking hour with, some days i don't even know how to breathe without you by my side, and i want you to be by my side till the very end of time and existence, i never want to spend a day without you. Rhea you are the last jigsaw piece in puzzle that is my life and i would love it if you would do the great honour of becoming my wife?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2013 ⏰

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