Pg 1 New Job

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As we walk down the stairs the wave of nausea and poignant rot hit me.

"Here are the recent bodies." He looks downcast as he opens the door.

Immediately the bodies smell like a sweet jelly.

As I step in I see Erwin who was only holding the door, covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

"What do you want me to do with them?" I ask. Just slightly opening my mouth to speak.

"Clean them up appropriately," He says through the handkerchief.

"the cleaning supplies are there." He gestures with his face to a bucket of clear bubbly water

I take one more look around. There has to be at least eight bodies on tables with stained sheets on them. All tables lined up on one long wall in front of me.

"Their inside have been cleaned and removed. All you have to do is clean them,"

I turn to him and his steady and straight face smiles at me.

These are my comrades. I have to clean them.

Erwin then closes the door leaving the smell with me. I immediately look for a window.

Man it reeks. I begin gagging again.

So, I tie my handkerchief around my face like a drape over my nose and mouth and the smell lessens.

"Now, to find a window." The only option I have, the only option I wanted to avoid, was the window right above the body in front of me. Having no choice I begin to squeeze between two of the tables blocking my path to the window. The wooden tables begin to lightly prick my legs.

I then push open the window and I smell the crisp air and look out.

Through the window I could see my comrades laughing and eating lunch.

I wish I was with them.

I turn back and squeeze back to the open area of the brick room.

My feet are warmer than usual and as I look down my feet were drenched in blood. Warm blood.

Where did it come from? I begin to look around and there is gigantic pools of blood soaking through the wood tables onto the floor. My pants and shirt were already covered in it too.

Getting started I pull back the sheet covering a petite body. The sheet lifts up a whole new aroma. It smelt of blood and iron. It was so...revolting. Keeping my composure, I continue on. The smell was the only thing I couldn't handle. Not the sight. Her eyes closed and her head held high with her hair flowing elegantly on her shoulders. She had an erect carriage with a gaping hole in the middle.

"She's just sleeping" I say. I smile. She was beautiful and she deserves to rest comfortably. I grab the bucket and washcloth and start cleaning the blood off her hair and face. I peel off her uniform that she was wearing too.


Sweat dripping down my face as I push harder on the mop to remove the last of blood on the wood floors. 

When I drop the mop into the bucket I begin to get lost out the window as the stars are shining and the shouts and woos of my comrades bragging continue. When i rest my elbow on the window sill, I look to the left at the mess hall glowing with lights and music.

"They must be having fun without me." I mutter.

The once white mop completely died brown, once full bucket now empty, and bodies were cleaned and moved. What what used to be where tables were wooden caskets and clean, white, silky sheets and pillows the bodies were resting on . The smell was gone now. The only thing with blood on it, was me.

I put everything away and as everything is clean and done, I feel a wave of accomplishment.

"Hello." I was expecting Erwin, but I soon realize it's Levi.

I turn to the door to see Levi right behind me. He has a bouquet of soft peonies from the field. Levi is just quiet as he walks past to the casket. He gingerly places a pink peony on each casket and whispers something to each. Once he reaches the last casket, he has one peony leftover. He turns back to the door not even paying attention to me. However before he leaves, he takes a sharp turn to my direction and faces me. His mouth tight and posture stiff he states:

"Thanks for your work," He pinches the stem and holds it in front of me. "These people deserved this." He softly says.

I carefully grab the peony and bow my head.

"Thank you for the flower, Sir." I state. He just nods and takes a deep breath in.

"I apologize your jobs got switched." Levi says. My original job was the head of the Emergency Operations Department. The department does emergency operation on dying soldiers when going back from the Titan Missions. During the training season they don't really need me.

"It's fine. As long as I can help out my comrades in someway." I reply.

He gives a sorrowful grin. He looks up right into my eyes. His eyes are a dark, cold grey.

His eyelashes are so long too. He looks away

"Goodnight," He says, his face now looking at the moon. "I'll speak to Erwin on getting your old job back." He finishes. His face glowed like a silk flower, he turns away creating a shadow over his face.

His boots tap on wood floors as he walks back up the stairs.

I clutch the peony in my hand tighter and look at with the peony from the Moonlight.

The moonlight set a spotlight on the peony. It was beautiful.

Death On My Hands. (Levi x Reader)FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now