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This one shot is dedicated to xMotionlessBridex

I've been back in Beacon Hills for about three weeks. It's senior year. I came back to destroy Scott McCall's pack. But as soon as I got here, my plans changed.

A certain young sophomore changed my mind. His name is Liam Dunbar. He's hot and sweet and I think I'm in love with him. But I don't think he trusts me.

Right now I'm sitting in my car outside Liam's house. I've been here for an hour. I'm sure Liam knows I'm here. I mean, he is a werewolf.

I want to be with him. But he doesn't trust me and he hates me. He told me himself. No one knows I was working with the Dread Doctors. I say "was" because I quit working with them after they had captured Liam and Hayden. But now Hayden's dead.

I finally gather enough courage to talk to Liam. I get out of my car, walk up to the front door, and knock. I know he's home, but his parents are gone.

The front door opens and Liam comes into view. He opens the door all the way and lets me in. We sit together on the couch. I sit toward him and look him in the eyes.

"Why have you been sitting outside my house for the past hour?" Liam asks after a minute of silence.

"I need to talk to you but I was too scared to," I answer honestly.

"About what?"

I hesitant. If I tell him how I feel he might...I don't even know what he would do but it would be bad.

But what if he likes you back? A little voice inside my head asked.

That thought gave me a little more courage.

I opened my mouth to speak. But one look at Liam's lips and I was speechless. I suddenly wanted to kiss him so badly. So I did.

I pulled back after a second. He didn't kiss back.

Then, the unexpected happened: Liam grabbed my face in his hands and smashed his lips to mine. I instantly kissed back and ran my fingers through his soft hair. All too soon he pulled away, but just slightly.

"I think I'm in love with you," I whispered against his lips.

"I think I'm in love with you too," Liam replied.

If I wasn't confused earlier, I definitely was now.

"But you hate me," I pointed out, "and you don't trust me."

"I used to hate you and not trust you. But now its the opposite."

I smile widely. "Good."

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