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I open my eyes to a dark and silent room. I let out a sigh of defeat as I turn my head to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table. 3:43. Another night with only a couple hours of sleep. I lay back in my bed and stare at the ceiling. I can't even remember the last time that I had a real, decent night's sleep. It always seems like there's something standing in the way, whether it's studying, worrying, or just the inability to shut off my brain. It's been so long since I truly felt well-rested. I don't think I can remember what it feels like to not be tired.

I close my eyes and try to force myself back to sleep one more time, not that it ever works but there is always a first time for everything. After a few minutes of struggling, I finally give up and start to get out of my bed and get dressed. I quietly make my way down the stairs, to the front door, and put on my shoes. Grabbing my bag, I slip out of the door, making my way towards the one place that can still settle my mind and brings me some semblance of peace.

I make my way down the campus street towards the school of music. I had secretly been entrusted with a key to the school's auditorium a few months ago by my music theory professor. With the key, I'm able to come and go whenever I want as long as I am discrete and remember to lock the door on my way out. 

I was given the key after my professor had seen me one afternoon, sneak into the auditorium. Knowing there was no reason for me to be in there, he followed me, curious as to what I was doing. As he stood out of sight, my professor listened to me play song after song on the auditorium's grand piano. It was the first time he had ever seen me smile and, with that, he understood just how important the piano was to me. 

My professor stepped out from the shadows as soon as I finished Chopin's Nocturne No.2 in E flat minor. He was in awe at the emotion that I performed the music, doing more than simply pressing the keys but feeling every note. The next day, he presented me with a key and told me to use the piano whenever it was free.

I pull out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. The grand piano was at the center of the stage meaning that there must have been a recital or performance today. I turn on the spotlight that is always pointed at center stage and make my way to the beautiful instrument. I run my fingers along the lid of the keys, the glossy finish of the wood felt like silk and, already, my head starts to clear. As I sit down and lift the lid, I pull out the sheet music from my bag and set it on the piano just like every night but something feels different tonight. Will tonight be the night? I have had everything ready for a long time now and I'm starting to think that I will finally follow through. 

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