One Direction

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Lets be honest here, who hasn't heard this name in one way or another?

One Direction (the so called 21st century Beatles -lol no-)

used to OMG Ahlfsa;kgdaog;faehdig;ls over One Direction. I just like them now. I dont care as much.

Panic at the Disco are my's mostly Brendon Urie right now but...<3333

I honestly would've never been sat where I am today if it wasn't for them, I would've never found out YouTubers were a thing (other than Pewdiepie, Smosh, and Tobuscus) and I would've never found wattpad.

So thanks.

What would happen in who knows when, when they break up.

Lezbehonest again, they aren't gonna be as popular much longer are they? They aren't even one EVERY SINGLE SMACK DAB FRONT OF TEEN MAGAZINES ANYMORE

That's Miley Cyrus twerking her ass, humping wrecking balls, and not being able to stop, so she won't.

No telling her twice.

But, yeah, One Direction, thanks, I don't know where I'd be without you darlings. Love you all to infinity and beyond.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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