1. Black Sheep

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"PARIS! Get the fuck up and get ready for school" Maria yelled as she snatched the cover off of me.

"Ugh, I'm not going. Fuck school you always tell me I'm not gonna be shit anyway so what's the point?" I yelled while turning over pulling the cover over my head.

"Bitch you won't be shit, but you still gotta get up and take ya hot ass to school. Don't nobody got time for CPS knocking on their door. NOW GET THE FUCK UP!" Maria yelled while snatching the cover off me again.

"Man whatever" I said while sitting up rubbing my sleepy eyes. Getting up going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, shower and get dress. I hear Maria waking up my siblings up all gentle and sweet like a mother should. "Stupid bitch" I thought.

Maria is my mother but I'll never call her that, because she doesn't deserve that title. I have three siblings. I'm 17 and the oldest and also the only one that gets talked down too, abused and treated like shit. It's the middle of winter and I'm walking around in sneakers that have full blown conversations when I walk. A spring jacket and a ripped dingy baby phat hoodie. While Trey, Ava and Amar have brand new ACG boots and Columbia coats. I've been the outcast or black sheep however you want to put it.

"Paris, I have to use the bathroom." Ava said snapping me out my thoughts. I finished brushing my teeth and left out the bathroom, to let her take care of her hygiene.

Grabbing my cellphone, sneakers, books and book-bag I started down the stairs to leave out for school. "Your not gonna eat before you go, I made breakfast and theirs your plate" I snapped my head back only to see Maria pointing to the other side of the table. Her being "nice" can only mean one thing and one thing only. My aunt Inez is here.

"Aunty Nez are you here?" I yelled while walking to the living room plastering my kool-aid smile. I ran up to her giving her the biggest hug and kiss I can muster up.

"Paris baby, how you doing? I missed you" My aunt said while pinching my cheeks like I'm 5 years old again. My Aunt been living outta town making it big in the model industry. She's brown skin with high cheekbones, long curly hair that touches her ass, with a hourglass figure you only see in magazines. "Why are you in these ran down clothes" she asked while looking at my appearance.

"Aunty Nez please don't. It's ok, I'm ok." I said with tears threatening to roll down my face. I didn't want her to start anything with Maria. Cause after she leaves I'll be the one with bruises and a aching body.

"Nah, fuck that!" My aunt said while walking into the kitchen. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE MY NIECE LOOKING LIKE A FUCKING RAG DOLL." She yelled getting in Maria's face. "All these other kids walking around here in winter clothes looking like your most prized possession and she's looking like a FUCKING BUM"

"Inez mind your fucking business." Maria said nonchalantly while turning around to put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Mind my business?" Aunty Nez said while laughing. "She became my business the day you had her and made me the Godmother. She became my business when you started calling me asking me for money because she needed clothes and hygiene products." I looked at Maria and her head hung low. I always wondered how was she able to afford all those nice things for my brothers and sister, when she only received biweekly welfare checks.

"She's been sending you money for me, and you wouldn't even feed me some days. You wouldn't buy my any new clothes for school, shit you barley buy me soap and pads." I said slowly getting mad.

"You know I came over here to let you all know I'm moving back to Cali but now since I'm here and see how your treating Paris, I'm also letting you know she's coming to live with me." Aunty Nez said in a matter a fact tone.

She doesn't play when it comes to me, she has beat Maria ass so many times because of how she treats me. I remember when Amar dad use to come in my room in the middle of the night when I was like 5 or 6 years old and just watch me get dress or touch on my not even developed breast. I told Maria and she basically called me a liar and said she didn't believe that shit. Aunty Nez heard about it, her and my Godfather Bennie cashed him down,beat him and eventually the nigga ended up hopping the back of a cop car trying to get away.

"Your not taking Paris anywhere." Maria said sounding kinda unsure of herself.

"Oh I'm not? Auny Nez said while taking her phone out her purse. "Well how about I call the authorities and let them see how you have her living an-"

"You can take her" Maria said very quickly. "But when shit gets hard don't bring her back she's your problem now. You wanna be her mother so bad, so be it"

"Anybody is better than you" I said while jogging upstairs to grab the little valuables I do care about.

I came back downstairs with a little bag that only had my toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, few pairs of underwear and bras and my phone charger. "I'm ready Aunty Nez" I sang cause I'm happy ass hell to be getting out this hell hole.

She came out of the living room and gave me a small smile while opening the front door. We walked to her car and she looked at me once more before getting in and fastening her seat belt. "What time you have to be to school P" she said while pulling out the driveway.

"8:15" I said listening to my stomach growl.

"Well it's 7:45 now and I hear you stomach doing flips" she said and we both laughed. " we're gonna go grab breakfast and do a little shopping, it won't hurt to be late one day."

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