2. New Beginning

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I ended up not making it to school today. Aunty Nez and I had so much fun catching up and shopping, time just flew by. By the time we notice yellow school buses was already dropping kids off at home. She asked about my grades and attendance in school and I was completely honest with her. My grades are wonderful I'm passing everything with either A's or B's but my attendance sucks. I never want to go to school because I always get ridiculed about my clothing.

I would skip 3 days out of every week, get make-up work and extra credit to stay on top of everything. She asked if I had a boyfriend but of course I don't. No guy ever pays me any attention, well expect one but I think it's cause he feels sorry for me. His name is Charles and he's sooo fucking sexy. He's smart, a sweetheart and also the head quarter back of the school football team and did I mention sexxy.

"What you want for dinner?" Aunty Nez asked snapping me back to reality.

I got up and went to look in the refrigerator before replying. "Ribs, bake macaroni, and greens" I said while taking out all the ingredients we would need.

"How about I get everything started while you go upstairs and start getting ready for bed. Don't forget to lay your outfit out for tomorrow." she said while taking out pots and pans that she'll need.

I ran upstairs and checked my phone before getting my things to hop in the shower and of course nobody called me, nobody ever calls. I have no friends, female or male. No family that actually care about me besides aunty Nez so I'm not really surprised.

After my shower I went back downstairs to help wash the greens off and prep the ribs when suddenly somebody knocks on the door. She went to get it and after a few seconds I hear laughter and a deep male voice.

"Hello, you must be Paris. I'm Paul." This handsome tall Italian man said coming into the kitchen while reaching out his hand for me to shake it. I looked at my hands that's all wet and gave a him a elbow pound.

"Paris this is my boyfriend and this here is" aunty Nez said pointing to some guy walking in behind them.

"Charles" I said making his head snap to see who I was.

"Well I'll leave you two to talk" aunty Nez said while smirking as she walked out.

"Oh Paris, why weren't you in school today?" Charles asked as he licked his lips slowly.

"Spent the day catching up with my aunt since she back in town" I said while turning to finish prepping the food.

"I uh, I uh like you Paris" he a blurted out a little above a whisper.

"You what? Nah you're joking" I said looking at him sideways.

"No. I've always liked you since I first seen you freshman year. I look for you everyday at school, the three days you skip every week I miss you. Why do you think I constantly stand up for you when those imbeciles try dogging you. Why do you think I'm always sitting with you in every class we have together and at lunch." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"I always thought you just felt sorry for me." I said while twirling my thumbs around one another.

"Sorry for you? No. Thinking you deserve better yes! Your beautiful and don't even know it. Your like a diamond in the ruff just waiting for your turn to be buffed up." He said while grabbing my face on both sides and guided it til we kissed. He bit my lip looking for entrance and I obliged and our tongues dance around each other's like they were in sync.

Breaking the kiss I turned around to put the ribs in the oven and check on the macaroni. After I finished, I grabbed Charles arm and led him into the sun room so we can talk and get to know each other a little more.

"So why does your brother and sister come to school looking flee and you look like nobody cares" he asked getting straight to the point.

"My mother, we'll I call her Maria. Just doesn't care about me. I honestly think it's because someone else could be my father and I kinda look like him."

"So you, Ava and Trey don't have the same father? Charles asked reaching out to intertwined our fingers.

"Supposedly we do, but like two years ago this man came up to and told me I look just like his daughter and asked what was my mother name. I told him and he just palmed my face, shook his head and walked away" I said while staring off into space. "Ever since I told Maria things have never been the same."

"That's not your fault tho, and she shouldn't take it out on you. You didn't ask to be here, and yo-" he was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at the contact and told me he had to take it and walked out the room.


"Talk" I said while walking out the sun room with Paris.

"Aye boss, we got a problem." One of my best workers Black said.

"& you can't handle it." I said really annoyed. Fuck was he hired for if he can't never fix shit without my help.

"I can but it involves your brother and I didn't want to kill him without your permission" Black said lowly.

"Stealing, ratting, being a mole, working with ops or any unloyal activity all gets the same punishment whether their family or not, I don't give a fuck. Do what you gotta do fam." I said as I hung up on Black.

Not everybody knows but I run the whole West and East of Cali. I'm the youngest kingpin there is out here. 18 years old and have millions on top of millions. I still go to school and play on the football team cause I don't wanna do this shit forever. I eventually want a shorty and have a few kids, you know become a family man.

Walking back towards the sun room, I stopped and watched Paris from the window. She's so pretty and smart. She isnt a hoe or get around cause trust me I would've know. She maintains good grades even though she misses most of the week at school, she doesn't complain or like confrontation. She's just... perfect.

She must felt me watching her cause she turned around and smiled, then got up to go check on the food which was smelling good as hell might I say.

"Aye yo ma" I called out while she was taking the ribs and macaroni out the oven. She looked up at me giving me the stank eye.

"My name isn't ma, but yes Charles." She said with the softest voice.

"Aight, Baby girl! After we eat how about you ride out with me for a little bit." I said starting to feel a little nervous. No girl as ever had the effect over me that Paris does.

"Yeah we can do that, let me make your plate & run upstairs and get dress real quick. Where we going anyway?" She asked while biting into a piece of ribs while making her eyes flutter.

"Shit must be good as hell the way you acting" we both laughed. "But nah you'll have to just wait and see. Go get dressed, I can make my own plate." I said while taking the halfway filled plate from her hands.

She sprinted up the stairs and I started eating. 10 minutes later she was downstairs in a pink Nike sports outfit and some white and pink Jordans. Inez must of took her shopping because I know Maria wouldn't buy none of that shit for Paris. Sad but true.

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