The Night

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It was late in the night when i heard it. there was a slight rustle, it was the quietest of sounds but even in a deep sleep my sensitive ears picked up the slightest sound. i jerked awake and instantly called loupe through our mind link. 

its a funny thing  or mind link. nobody acctuly knows how it works only that it works between pack members. it is possible to tune or block the other members out so they cant talk to you but that doesnt happen often. 

i called on loupe then on Ze'ev. being the alpha of our pack he had to know what i had heard. i lifted my nose and smelt the air, there was the distinct smell of a rival pack. i recognised it as the thunder pack. our pack had never liked them, they were cocky gits as you can tell by their name. i mean come onnnnn? thunder pack? really? They think its cool but they would. there alpha is Engerterza.(en-ger-ter-zer) 

Hes a massive wolf that is a greyish colour. most of his pack are the same colour so its hard to tell them apart. exept from Engerterza. hes the biggest and the gayest. He has red yellow eyes that change red if hes angrey. That is a sign of a grey wolf. A white wolfs eyes will turn dark blue, a black wolfs eyes will turn pitch black and a grey wolfs eyes wil turn red. There is also the brown wolf but nobody knows wat colour eyes they get because if your close enogh to a brown wolf to see its eyes when its angrey. Then your already dead. They are huge animals that will rip you apart limb from limb. no mercy at all and no problem. they are the strongest of the 4 breeds of wolf. They have musculer legs that allow them to jump up to 50 meters. they can be 5 foot in height when on all fours and can run up to speeds of 40 mph. no one messes with a brown wolf. Many believe Engerterza is related to a brown wolf as he has he same legs and the same short temper.

Back to the story. I woke up and alerted loupe and Ze've. "Hey guys i can smell the thunder pack. GET HERE NOW!" luckily i got a reply straghit away. "Im on my way bro" came Ze'evs voice through my head. Then i heard loupes gruff voice. "Ill alert the rest off the pack". I smelt ze'ev as he burst into my room. i motioned for him to stay qiuet. i opend my window and climbed out. My supirouir balence as a human let me stay upright. i heard a whisper as i turned to see Ze'ev climb out. I was suprised I had heard him at all. Normall he was so quiet. i reached the end of the roof and almost fell, my mind was on other things. 

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