Sibling rivalry

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Thank u allll for the comments. I LOVE ALLL OF UUUUU

Ze'ev leapt at my face and tried to bite my face. My hands flashed and grabbed the hairy neck. Ze'ev shifted and broke my strangle hold. I fell backwards  onto the leafy floor. Suddenly my brother was a wolf again and heading for me, i log-rolled out the way just as i heard a thud then an angry snarl. I turned my head and i came face to face with the face of an angry wolf with pitch black eyes. I smelt his breath and said "Woah bro have you ever heard of a breath mint"? This angered him and i saw his teeth snapping inch's from my face. He knew he couldn't harm me, he just needed to escape me. He lifted his head in a howl. He took a deep breath and just as he was about to howl and call for help, i swept my arm across his chest and took out 2 of his 4 legs. Instead of a howl he let out a surprised yelp. He fell on top of me. His weight pinning me to the ground. A pan came into my head. I stopped struggling for a moment then suddenly I pushed Ze'evs left side. We rolled and i shifted. I was now on top as a wolf, my teeth to his neck. Now he knew that i was much more merciless than him. I could harm him. And i could do it with no regrets....

Ze'ev stopped trying to attack me and lay down. He was panting as he lay there, exhausted. I was the same. He gave a final heave but there was no way he was going anywhere. I had caught him. Or at least thats what i thought. I had forgotten about the wolf mind communication trick. Loupe came hobboling alone. "Back off our alpha Atuu" he warned. "Calm it Loupe, hes furious im just trying to calm him down" i replied grinning. This annoyed Loupe. "Do you know how much you annoy me"? he asked sllightly sarcasticly. "I can only imagine" Said with a sly smile. Loupe let out an annoyed snarl and he walked over to me. He pushed me off . Ze'ev leapt up instantly and ran away. I shifted and kicked loupes bad leg. He howled in pain. I got a little satisfaction out of that, but ot for long. I ran away from the groning Loupe and shifted. I wasnt going to let Ze'ev kill these rouges.

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