I Knew

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I wrote this poem years ago. My boyfriend and I got in a huge fight. After I left him, he was in a motorcycle accident. As I was waiting for his call, I had started pening this poem. 


I knew you were hurt,

Before you even called.

I knew you were missing,

As If I knew it all.

I could feel your pain,

As if it was my own.

I couldn’t stop shaking,

As I picked up the phone.

I dialed your number,

I still don’t know why.

I knew you wouldn’t answer,

I had to give it a try.

Now I lay in my bed,

Cradling the phone.

Picturing you stumbling,

All of the road.

Bleeding and hurting,

Needing some help.

Knowing you needed me,

Helpless myself.

I shouldn’t have left you,

I could have taken you home.

Beating myself up,

Because the fault is my own.

Fighting the urge not to cry,

While desperate images keep preying on my mind.

I see the whole scene,

As if I was there.

Your wandering around,

With an empty stare.

Your broken and bleeding,

Not knowing your name.

As if all hope is lost,

I cling to the phone.

Tossing and turning,

Crying out your name.

Finally the phone rings,

And for one moment I forget how to use this damn thing.

Answering your call,

Praying my dreams are not real.

Listening closely,

Your voice a faint whisper.

You’re trying to tell that everything is fine,

The truth is tonight,

You had to fight for your life.

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