Prom Troubles

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Note: This story can also be found in my short story book Simple Complexities! Check it out!

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It had happened at lunch. Jason Sanders came up to the table my friends and I were sitting at and took the empty seat next to me.

            “So Kayla, you’re going to prom right?” I sighed, nodding my head.

            “Are you going with anyone yet?” I turned to look at him. Was he seriously asking me to go to the prom with him?

            “Um, no.” Just then, Drew Lennix came up.

            “Get out of here Jason.”

            “Make me.” Drew shoved Jason out of his seat, taking it for himself.

            “So, I was wondering if you would like to go to the prom with me.”

            “Um, I don’t know, I-“ Jason cut me off, returning Drew’s shove.

            “Actually, I was just about to ask her that.”

            “Did I do something to make you think I cared?”

            “That’s it.” Jason swung his arms back, slamming his fist into Drew’s face. Drew buckled in pain before swinging back at him. Soon, a full out fight was happening right under my nose.

            In all the commotion, I didn’t notice the circled gathered around us. I weakly tried to stop the two boys, but nothing I said would break up the fight.

            Almost everyone was watching the fight. Everyone except Marcel. The math nerd was sitting at his regular table doing his homework. He didn’t have many friends, but I liked him. As I was zooming off about Marcel, I didn’t realize the teacher rushing into the fight.

            “Stop, stop!” He shouted. “Enough of this, boys.” Jason and Drew stood up, each with a fair amount of injuries. The teacher, Mr. Fairfield, brought them to the nurse, mumbling under his breath something about being too old to deal with teenagers.


            At the end of the school day, Jason came up to me.

            “So, what do you say? Will you go to the Prom with me?” I sighed, I just couldn’t decide between Jason and Drew. After a moment of thought, I had made up my mind.

            “Jason, I’m really sorry. I don’t think it would be a good idea. I’ll save you a dance?” I asked the last part, my voice rising slightly.

            “Sure. Thanks, Kayla.” He turned away, disappointment evident in his eyes.

            I continued to pack my things before leaving school, ready to get home.


            “Bye, Mom.” I closed the door as my friends, Molly and Andy waited patiently. Tonight was the night of the Prom and we had spent all afternoon getting ready. The drive to the school was filled with nervous small talk. The only other person in the car with us was Molly’s boyfriend, Sean.

            At the dance, I kept my promise to Jason. I danced with him a few times, some slow songs, some fast songs. Drew eyed us with jealousy but I didn’t care. Honestly, Drew was rude to everyone and had only asked me out to get on Jason’s nerves.

            The night went by quickly and soon it was the last slow dance of the night. I spotted him easily in the corner and approached him quickly.

            “Hey Marcel, want to dance?”

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How did you like it? Leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed it! This was written a year ago so not my best work!

Thank you for reading this!
-Tori Mondello

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