A Stolen Ring and a Sinister Stranger

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The sky is a deep shade of blue, the moon casting an eerie glow on the houses around me. My girlfriend, Amanda, is beside me, holding my hand softly. Her dark muddy brown hair fluttered effortlessly onto her shoulders in waves, while my straight blonde hair is spiked up as usual. Beside Amanda is Harry, the three year old boy who Amanda gets to call her brother.

                “Let’s hit this house next,” Amanda pointed to a two-story house. A few young kids rushed up the driveway, eager to get candy. Amanda and I took our time, only wanting to be with each other. Our hands still entwined, we approached the house. Harry rushed ahead, stumbling over a pumpkin on his way.

                A few houses later, we’re turning back into the driveway of the small complex. Harry leads the way to my apartment. Amanda and I live together, in a small apartment with only a bed, kitchen, bathroom, and small couch and TV. The walls are painted a soft green, the floors wood.

                Amanda sits on the black leather couch. The door closes as Harry leaves with his mother. His dark Indian eyes are tired, only halfway open. Now’s my chance to talk to Amanda. This night, everything will change.

                “Hey,” I start. “Can we talk for a minute?”

                “Sure. What’s up?” A look of concern takes over her face and she scoots closer to me.

                “I need to ask you something, and I need you to answer with complete honesty.”

                “Do you remember-“ The door opens and Harry walks groggily inside, mumbling something about his candy. He takes the bag from the counter and heads back out the door.

                I smile, “As I was saying, do you remember when we first met?”

                “Of course,” She leans against me on the couch. ”You were at the coffee shop where I worked. It was like a love story. I swear I’ve read a million books with that plot line.” She laughs and I realize the truth behind her words. Our story really could be a romance novel.

                “Well, I was wondering something.”

                “And what would that be?”

                “Amanda,-Oh wait I forgot what I was going to say!” By now, she knows what I’m getting at. She pokes me in the chest.

                “Tell me!” She urges.

                “Ok, I remember now. Amanda, will you make me a sandwich?” She stands up from the couch and walks into the bedroom. I laugh and look back at her storming away. She returns with a pillow, walking over to the couch once more. She stands above me and brings the pillow down on my head, smacking me in annoyance.

                “Alright, alright. I’ll be serious.” She smiles and sits back down.

                “Amanda, will you marry me?”


                I come home from work that afternoon, eager to see Amanda, now my fiancé. At our apartment, I sweep across the room to greet her. She turns to look at me, sadness lining her face.

                “Brian, something happened at work today.”

                “What is it? I won’t be mad at you.”

                “I know you won’t be mad at me, but just in general.”

                “Ok, I won’t get mad.”

                “Someone stole my ring.” I gape at her, hoping it isn’t true.

                “Do you know who it was?”

                “No clue. I don’t even know what he looks like.” I clench my hands into fists, trying to keep my promise about not getting mad.

                “That’s ok. I’ll get you a new one.” And then go find whoever stole the original ring, I added silently in my head. “How did he steal it?”

                “He must’ve gotten through to the back because I took it off so I could work.”

                “Ok, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you’re ok.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone in the window of our apartment. No, that can’t be right, I think. We’re on the fifth floor.

                Amanda gets up to make dinner and I go to the window to investigate. On the window sill is a note, crumpled and stuck with a piece of gum.

                If you want your ring back, come to the coffee shop at midnight. Bring nobody.

                I shake my head, but pocket the note in my faded jeans. Amanda calls me out to dinner, but the blood pounds in my ears like drums and I barely hear her. Through dinner, I’m quiet. I’m not even listening to the girl of my dreams. The only thing on my mind is the note.

                That night, when we go to bed, I set the alarm for midnight. Closing my eyes, I hope for the best when the earliest hour of the morning arises.

                A soft beeping rings through my headphones and I quietly sneak out of bed. After dressing, I’m in the kitchen. I leave a note in case she wakes up.


                                I have to go somewhere. I love you, forever and always. Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. If I’m not home by the time you wake up, call the police. I love you, babygirl. 



                With that, I head out the door. Closing the wood softly behind me. The walk down to the coffee shop is long and silent. Behind me, I hear footsteps. Turning to look, nobody is there. Strange, I think.

                I keep walking until I get to the coffee shop. A few times, I thought I heard footsteps, but nobody was there. At the shop, a voice finally speaks. It’s so soft, I can barely hear it.

                “You’re not as smart as I thought. Coming to a coffee shop at midnight? All because of a girl? Not smart, man.” A man comes out from the shadows, but before I can get a good look at him, a shot rings out into the silent night.

                The last thing I see is a ring. A gold band and small red ruby in the middle, Forever and Always engraved on the side.


Did he die? Did he just pass out? Leave a comment with your theories! Maybe I'll continue the story if I get enough support. Hope you liked it!

Until Next Time! Hope you enjoyed it!

-Tori Mondello

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