The Bad Boy's.....What?

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                One word with different meanings. It could mean ‘see you later,’ ‘see you tomorrow,’ or ‘see you in a while.’ It can also mean goodbye forever.

                For example, when I left my house today and told the housekeeper goodbye I meant it in as a see you after school. Never did I think I’d end up in the situation in which I am now in. You see, I have dealt a lot with that word, goodbye.

                Six years ago when I bid my parents adieu on their business trip I was expecting them to come back. I didn’t expect a tall man in uniform to come knocking on the mansion’s door with the unbearable news of my parents’ demise. It was at that time that I secluded myself into a shell of the lively girl I used to be. I mean, I’m still the same person but I don’t let many people in.

                In school I’m known as Khloe ‘the nerd’ Mason. Who cares, I certainly don’t pay attention to the comments that run the rumor mill at school. People make fun of you for actually going to school to learn and wanting to educate yourself, okay. Sure, I don’t need a career I have plenty of money that I will inherit in a couple of months when I turn eighteen but my parents loved what they did and I want to find something equally as fulfilling.

                In school, I’m not only a nerd but I think you could call me the outcast as well, people take too much time envying what others have that they turn it into hate. You may find this preposterous but yes, I am shunned because I have more money than others.

                So, here I was another day and another round of idiotic comments that don’t even make sense because I’m sure calling the nerd ‘stupid’ is very creative, note the sarcasm. I decided that I needed to clear my mind after school, so I went for a walk. There are two parts in this town, the ‘lower class’ and upper class’ which is really stupid no one is extremely poor or extremely rich, well, except for me. I own the only mansion in the neighborhood but my parents chose to live here.

                I hadn’t notice my bearings as I walked, I was too lost in thought. I furrow my eyebrows as the street becomes quieter and that’s when I notice dark has completely fallen upon me. People have made their way home and are now enjoying the comfort of their house. I pull my hoodie over my head and hug it closer to my body as the temperature descends with the sun.

                After walking for a while I begin to grow weary, I may be the school’s nerd but when it comes to directions I mine as well be a mathlete learning to play football. Utterly confusing. My lungs are practically screaming for much needed air.

                I come to a stop in a secluded spot and lean against the wall trying to even my erratic breathing. My head snaps up to my right as a door bangs open in the alley that I apparently was standing in. Two men stagger out throwing punches at the other.  I hold my breath trying to remain unseen, invisibility don’t fail me now. Three more men come out to watch the event unravel. Well, I thought they were men, but they are indeed younger. There I say my age. Wow, who knew gangsters came in different shapes and sizes.

                As all of this is unraveling I hear a speeding car to my left and I turn to face a black tinted car. They come to a complete stop in the alley that I was standing in. I sink further into the wall if that’s even possible. The three Adonis’s face turn towards our direction but I’m glad to say no one is looking directly at me.

                “They came for Lucy!” a man frantically tells the younger guys. That snaps them out of their macho stare down causing them to hurry inside, probably to go check on this Lucy person. For some reason, I scoot down to my right, having the eerie feeling that the people in the car aren’t so nice. Maybe the others know about a thing called mercy.

                I am now so thankful for that flickering street light because it’s helping in keeping me concealed. In what seems like seconds later the three guys come out with guns and one holding some sort of package and that’s when the ones in the black car decide to come out. Is this like the door to Hogwarts and I didn’t get memo? I shake my head from my thoughts and focus in on the action once again.

                It looks like it’s all happening in slow motion when in reality everything is going so fast. The guys that came from inside begin to chase the other ones down but the leader seems to be looking around frantically. I wish I could say what he looks like but it’s too dark to make out any features. As the streetlight flickers on again he takes notice of my figure trying to remain concealed.

                He seems to debate with himself on something but makes a quick decision, a decision that may have changed my life forever. He runs towards me and I back myself further into the wall.

                “Here hold this,” I can’t see his eyes, all I know is that he is very tall. I look down at the bundle he put in my arms and immediately shake my head assuming it’s some sort of drug package.  

                “You will take this,” his voice leaves no room for argument. It’s as if he has authority and a shiver runs down my spine. I will never forget that voice.

                “Come on!” I hear the others’ screams. He looks back and turns one last time bending down to the package in my hand.

                “I love you, goodbye Lucy,” I tilt my head in confusion but he’s already gone. What kind of drug lord names their drug packages?

                I look down at ‘Lucy’ and move the blankets a bit to the side. My eyes widen at the not so little package, it’s not even a thing.

                When he said goodbye I didn’t know if he meant it as in ‘I’ll be right back’ or ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’.  I stood there holding the blanket close to me.

                “Go!” he turns back screaming and I ran, well as much running as one can do.

                This is how I was stuck with the bad boy’s…..what?



                No, this is how I ended up with the bad boy’s baby. I hold the little girl closer to me, shielding her from the cold weather.

                “Don’t worry Lucy, I’ll keep you safe,” I place a kiss on her forehead and she giggles. As if she understood, a bond is formed. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys, this is a new story hope you enjoy. Pic of Khloe on the side;) Please vote and comment i would love to hear what you guys think!!!!

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