Chapter 2- Won't Go Away

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                  I manage to make it to one of the upstairs bathroom, just a couple of feet away from my next class. I check to make sure there’s nobody else in the enclosed space before locking the door. I move towards the sink and look into the pristine, reflective glass. I breathe in deeply and exhale.

                “It’s not working,” I mumble to myself. I begin to pace the tiled floor, biting down on my thumbnail as a nervous habit.

                Okay, so the presumed father of my new daughter, that I did not give birth to, is attending the same school as I, it should be no big deal. Oh, who am I kidding? It’s a humongous deal.

                First, he leaves his child in my hands, just giving away the precious little girl that I’ve become way too attached to. And now, to make matters worse, he decides to attend the same school as me. What could he possibly be doing here?

                I run my hands through my brown wavy hair in frustration. There’s only one advantage I have, the hoodie I wore that day. He never saw my face as I hadn’t seen his, the only difference was I heard his voice, but I didn’t speak.

                What if he’s looking for Lucy? What if he wants her back?

                No, he’s going to have to go through me. I will not give her up that easily.

                Okay, damage control, I just have to stay away from him and his little ‘posse’ and I’ll be fine. Oh, and I also have to watch out when I go out with Lucy, just in case I run into them.

                “I can do this,” I whisper to my reflection as I stop my relentless pacing. I fix myself and assume a blank expression, trying not to show any type of emotion whatsoever. I pick up my bag, which had been left forgotten in a careless heap by the door, and hoist it over my shoulder.

                I unlock and open the door before stepping out. I peer to both sides of the hall to find it completely silent. No one roaming the wide space, I take one last deep breath before walking down and stepping inside the dreaded classroom.

                As soon as the door closes all heads snap up to scrutinize me. Not once, in all my high school years, had I been late to a class, especially over ten minutes late. I bring my hands in front of me trying hard not to fidget as I look down at the dusty floor.

                “Ms. Mason is there any excuse as to why you are fifteen minutes late to class?” the stern history teacher voices making me look up at him.

                I open my mouth but shut it as no words come out, I’m too nervous to voice anything with all of the constant staring. I heave a sigh looking down and shaking my head.

                “Very well, it being your first offense I’ll only punish you with a lunch detention,” he sighs. I tilt my head up at him and furrow my brows, usually it’s an after school detention. He inconspicuously gives me a sly grin, knowing that I spend my lunch time cooped up in a dusty old corner in the library every day.

                “Take your seat,” he motions for me to move. I hurriedly walk to my seat in the far corner of the wall next to the window, hoping that as soon as I’m seated the staring will halt. I plop down on the wooden desk and take my book out.

                As I glance back up to the front of the class, the scrutiny has ceased except for one pair of eyes I can clearly feel boring to the side of my head. That’s weird. No one sits in the seat next to me. I carelessly give a quick glance to my left and wish I hadn’t as I look back down at my book. The words blurring together making everything incomprehensible, much like my life right now.

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