Epilogue 2.0-

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Bitches, you thought, huh?

"Mommy!" I brace myself for the impact that is sure to come. For someone who just got the hang of walking a few months ago she surely has taken it to a whole new level. Bright blue, happy eyes look up at me with a smile on her face and I feel something jolt in my chest. A sense of melancholy washes over me at the thought that her biological father thought it better to leave for her protection, than to raise her as his own. But, the greedy part of me bends down and holds her close. I don't think I could've withstood that pain, that separation from her.

Drew's father, Damian, is currently traveling around the world, restlessly chasing the people that destroyed his family. I think walking away from Lucy was a form of self-punishment for him, I'm saddened at the thought. At three years old now, Lucy only knows her 'grandfather' through pictures we kept, though she does get excited whenever a new postcard of his arrives. Damian's parting letter before taking off asked that Drew and I raise her as our own, to never reveal his secret. She's far too young now, but it makes me wonder of our future.

Voices are heard in the vicinity along with the usual clattering noises that make up a city, but it seems like the perfect day for the park. Lucy sure seems excited at the outcome of our day. She's growing into a happy child and only a few things could brighten up her luminous smile, one of them approaching us now. Drew walks over to us with a bag full of drinks, a smirk on his face and his gait full of confidence. My heart leaps in my chest, as if trying to claw itself out and make its way towards Drew. Lucy immediately detaches herself from me before barreling towards her 'father'.

I'd hate to admit it, but there used to be a part of me that doubted we were doing the right thing. That, perhaps, we should've given Lucy over to Damian, to allow him the joy of watching her grow. But, since his grief and guilt wouldn't allow him near her, we've compromised on allowing him to be involved in her life. Drew tells her stories of their father, his own memories healing some of the resentment that had grown in the now blue eyed man.

"Mom!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Lucy's laughter, and I turn to see Drew swinging her in the air. Those two have been attached at the hip now more than ever, it doesn't help that my classes take up a lot of my time. I just have to remind myself that the higher workload will only allow me to be with my family more in a short while.

"What?" I laugh as she struggles to escape her father's arms. Yep, that's how I'll always refer to Drew because by all means and purposes, he is her father. That's what Damian wanted, and that's what my heart recognizes.

"Is Uncle Kohl coming?" she jumps around after finally having freed herself from Drew's clutches. I laugh as he tries to recapture his hostage. Her brown hair has grown into ringlets, bouncing around with her every move.

"Not today sweetie, your cousin is demanding sleep." She immediately smiles at the mention of her baby cousin, Blake. Yep, Kohl has procreated and, honestly, we couldn't believe it when the announcement was made. I'd like to say that he's matured some, but he's still as childish as ever, though he is growing into an overbearing father. Even more astounding was the fact that Kim found all this out last year during her first semester in college. It seems like Kohl didn't have it in him to wait, though the guys and I currently have a bet going on how he had to tied her down somehow. It just seems a little sketchy how he got his dream girl. However, it is hilarious watching him do the 'daddy' role he's been plummeted into.

Sammy and Adrian are currently traveling, having decided that college could hold out for a year. Something tells me the reason for their travels isn't just to satisfy their 'wanderlust', but Drew's been keeping really quiet about it. Whenever there's a transition into another country we receive a box full of goods. Sadly, letters from them have been coming less and less causing Lucy to break out in a scowl all too familiar to us. Though she does love Kohl, no one can deny the bond the little girl has with Uncle Adrian.

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