A/N (Intro)

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My first short story. Woohoooo~ (Shamless plug: READ MY OTHER BOOK. IT'S SHORT IMAGINES ABOUT VIXX AND WITH SCENARIOS AND OTHER SHORT STORIES AS WELL. CHECK OUT MY ACCOUNT AND YOU'LL SEE THE BOOK PUBLISHED.) Hope you guys enjoy this random idea of mine and here's a short intro on what the book is about! [The picture is so sad and cute at the same time.....like I can't.]







He was pushed to the ground by the ruthless kids and he just laid there. The punches, kicks and harsh words. He tried his best to ignore all of it. After several minutes of getting beat up, the other kids got bored and ran off somewhere else. Taekwoon rolled on his back and stared at the sun.

"God.........where are you, when I need you?"

Those words should never leave a child's mouth but it left his. Words had always left a foul after-taste in his mouth. He regretted ever speaking and quickly shut his mouth. Taekwoon shut his eyes in annoyance before letting the sunlight engulf his small body. The warm, wet tears flowed down his chubby cheeks as he tried to forget everything. Suddenly, he felt the world get darker and his eyes shot open. He wasn't ready.

Staring into her cold,emotionless eyes, Taekwoon felt strangely calm. Her eyes shifted by a fraction and he caught it. She extended her hand and he accepted it. Sniffling, he pulled himself up before dusting himself off. He felt her small hand brush across his cheek as she wiped away his tears and he froze.


"Don't cry........"

He looked back up and he was met with a completely different pair of chocolate eyes. They held warmth,comfort and love. Those feelings obviously didn't feel familiar to Taekwoon since he had always been alone. His parents were never around, neither did he have friends. These feelings......it made him feel warm and tingly on the inside. It felt as though, he was happy. Suddenly the corner of his lips twitch before going up in a smile.

"Mhm! I won't cry!"

Those were the first words he had ever said that never felt wrong. And it was directed at a stranger. Not a higher being, not his "friends", not his parents. A stranger. She gave him a big smile before lightly patting his head.

"Good! Taekwoon is a good boy!"

He felt himself growing warmer as he stared at the girl's smile. The girl obliviously continued grining as a blush appeared on Taekwoon's face.


She looked at him before pointing to herself.


He nodded his head furiously before leaning in. She opened her mouth and his mouth parted in anticipation.

"My na-"

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Please give me your honest opinion as well as thoughts. Although the story hasn't really started yet, I hope the concept is interesting enough! ^^

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