1. Greetings

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          Isis Vega, a young and talented young lady

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Isis Vega, a young and talented young lady. Isis excelled in everything she'd touch. She had it going on. It wasn't just her intelligence, but her beauty was a major plus to add to the list she had. At the age of twenty-three, Isis had finished college and opened her own bakery. She worked her ass off in school and managed to save up enough money to create a business. Now Isis can say she did it. Isis is the proud owner of five successful, beautiful bakeries.

There seemed to be one thing missing out the puzzle. Love.

When seven o'clock struck, Isis was just entering the bakery and was instantly bombarded by the crowd of  hungry people. The line nearly stretched outside, and she could see the irritated looks on some of her customers. Laura, the lady at the only open register, was trying her best to keep up. The crowd seemed to be too much for her.

Isis couldn't stand to see business like this. In less than a minute, Isis grabbed her apron, turned on s register, and began helping with the orders. Owning the bakery, meant nothing to her. It was still work and she wanted to help. After an hour of orders, Isis and Laura were finally done with the breakfast rush.

"I cannot believe that just happened," Laura sighed. She was kind of new to the business. Laura hit a hard spot in her life a month ago and Isis was quick to help her friend in need.

"Oh," Isis dragged the word out while she messed with the register, "it will get worse." It was factual. This bakery, alone, had a couple hundred from the time they open until lunch. The bakery was quite large. After the many adjustments, Isis actually considered it as a café. Most of the time they were either making coffees or tasty goods. Isis started out using her mother's famous recipes before she became ill. The cafe was in memory of her mother since she had her own dreams of owning one. Now it's just Isis, her father, and her older twin brothers.

"So how did last night go?" Isis referred to Laura's blind date. Isis could never see herself doing such a thing. It was completely weird to her. How could one do such a thing? The thought of going out with someone she didn't know made her skin crawl.

"Same old stuff just a different guy," Laura sighed. Isis didn't understand why she allowed herself to do such a thing. Yes, she was newly divorced, but she had many other options to choose from. All Laura had to do was go in a public place and be herself. She was drop dead fabulous. It's a shame Kyle, her ex-husband, let her get away. "He was trying extremely too hard to take me home. All he wanted was to get in my underwear." This is one of the many reasons the dates failed. With Laura's good looks, men were quick to want her goods.

"It may be too soon for you to just move on to another man Laura," Isis spoke even though Laura divorced her husband so that she could love another man.

"Yeah. You might be correct. If it isn't my time, it's yours," Laura admitted. Isis had tried multiple attempts at the dating thing. With her businesses on the rise, she couldn't see herself juggling work and love. Plus, some men are threatened by independent women.

"I don't think so," Isis mumbled, "love can wait. I have a new bakery that just opened up. There's no time for a man," she admitted.

Laura didn't care what Isis thought. The only thing she wanted to do was find her best friend some good loving. Isis needed a break.

"Oh trust me. Your day is coming," Laura encouraged her best friend. "We're still on for this weekend correct?"

"I guess," Isis spoke with an unsure tone. Laura had planned for shopping and clubbing on Saturday. On Sunday they were to have dinner at Laura's place. Isis didn't mind the shopping or the dinner. It was the clubbing that bothered her. She didn't like that kind of environment. The smoking and sweaty bodied rubbing against one another because the place was too hot. The buildings were too hot because everyone's bad odor and alcohol did not mix. It was nowhere near the cup of tea she preferred.

Laura squealed in excitement. Isis had no idea what Laura was really planning.

Meanwhile, David was on the verge of pulling his hair out. David groaned at his desk as he read the time. 1:43 A.M. He had decided to work late to focus on some last minute deals for his company. Besides his lack of energy, everything was okay.

Deciding to turn it in for the night, David grabbed his briefcase, and left his office. As he got into his car, his phone began to ring. Without checking the Caller ID, David answered. 


"Hello there. I've been trying to reach you all day," David groaned as the woman continued to talk. What could she possibly want at one in the morning? "How are you?"

"Hello Laura. What do you want?"

Ever since David started his business, he was anti-everyone. He didn't have the time for anyone outside of his work. For all he knew, his mother could have been in the hospital. Thankfully, she wasn't.

"I was just checking on my favorite brother."

David chuckled, "I'm your only brother. Now what's up?"

"I wanted to see if you were coming to Sunday dinner. We're having a special guest come through," Laura explained. She had an entire scheme up her sleeve. Laura was going to get her best friend her brother.

David rubbed his free hand over his face. He thought it would be nice if he got to see his family thought he would need to cancel a few meetings.

"I'll try. I will not make any promises."

Laura squealed on the other side of the phone.

"I'll see you Sunday."


Well there's the first chapter. This one may be a tad short, but I promise they get longer and longer with each chapter.

Where do you think Isis and David should meet?
A) the mall
B) the club
C) somewhere random

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