<We did it!>

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A/n- The music is just there cause.. I wanted too....

Your POV

The bell rang as I was gonna say something to the boy. I was in the music room.

"Oh. We need to go. Bye guitar boy!" Aphmau went off and I followed her. I took one good look at the music room and then walked out. The guy stayed in there for a good enough time before coming out. I didnt see who though. After I walked to my locker, Aaron accidentally hit my shoulder when I walked by.

"Watch it!" Aaron growled, but then went slient. His cheeks had a bit of pink and he swiftly walked away. Gene was looking around for me and Aphmau around.

"There you are. Come on. We need to go to the park again." Gene walked over to us.

"Really! I'm not going! Dumb Gene!" I yelled at him. My tail wagged.

"Sounds like Wolfie wants me to tell everyone something." He smirked. He pulled my tail, let a whimper out of me.

"Tell the school! Tell the world for all I care! You blackmailer! Just go to the Mafia!" I yelled at him and and slapped his hand once more.

"Well. Well. Well. You stand for yourself huh? Good job. I'll leave you alone now. But Aaron will know what you are.. Also Kitty..." He looks at Aphmau. He put his index finger and thumb on her chin.

"My name Is Aphmau! Not Kitty! And I don't care if you have that picture! Tell him!" Aphmau yelled at Gene. She backed away.

"You too? Okay. I'll leave you alone." Gene walks away, with a grin on his face.

"We did It, Y/n! Oh my god!"

"He's gonna come back and bite us."

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