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  On cold 29, silent night holding and old nun's hand, he was standing outside a dingy, old two-storeyed building form the first floor it read " WELCOME DESTITUTES". The old nun caught hold of the old rope and rang the bell incessantly. The large wooden door opened and stern old man and stout short woman appeared. That both were in no mood of welcoming the poor,shabbily dressed lad was shivering in cold winter night. The nun talked with them something in a low voice and left. The boy was asked to sleep on a mat in a room with other children of his age group. He was hungry so the night passed in anticipation of a very good morning. The acts that he witnessed in the morning left him speechless. In that dilapidated building,small children, young teenagers were treated like slaves and got meagre amount to eat that could only be sufficient enough for them to be alive and serve the wicked old man and women. Those  who opposed were immolated. The poor boy who was only fifteen was so scared seeing the scars on everyone's bodies that he starved,suffered all the ordeals in that slaughter house just for getting one loof of bread and shiny broth per day and endearing conversation with the blue eyed visitor at night whom he had first heard when he was severely beaten as he could not do the daily chores as he had very high temperature  was shivering.
                 On that night the visitor who was completely camouflaged,wore high boots,pants and long coat with hat and masked face had covered him with a woollen blanket. The sick teenager could only see the blue eyes, even the hands were covered with gloves. Next morning when the old wicked owner saw him alive they again kicked him and dragged him by the collar to the inn. From that day the boy quietly served the wicked and waited all day to catch a glimpse  of the visitor who arrived daily at 1am playing a melancholic note on the violin which no one could comprehend but that musical note was a soothing balm for all the depressed living souls in that Inn. One night his patience and endurance cross all the boundaries when he saw the wicked couple extracting blood from the old people in order to kill them and sell off all the blood to buy food for the meagre and the living slaves and living corspes. He was no longer a small boy and grabbed the knife and blinded the wicked couple. Seeing his dauntless,valiant acts the people hugged and kissed him,nobody cared for the cruel couple. One of the  man whose right hand was chopped by the cruel people came to him and asked him " what is your name? We have never heard your voice neither a plea nor a request are you dumb?" That was the first youth spoke " I don't know what is my name neither I know who are my parents and why am I here in this wretched world. I worked at tea stalls to earn a living bathed mostly during rains or when I got some job at hotels and clean toilets and swimming pools. I was continuously abused and ridiculed by the world"
               The other night the youth again saw the visitor with the blue eyes who was playing the melancholic note. The youth was highly elated to meet visitor. He was dejected to find her completely camouflaged. The visitor waved and walked ahead playing the violin. The visitor playing the violin enters the graveyard and the boy chased the visitor entering the graveyard he hesitated but immediately thought that all these years he had been living in a hell amidst groans and hearing sounds of chains and whips. For peace among the dead he entered the graveyard and silently stood behind the visitor who was weeping. She was a beautiful girl with golden locks he gave her his bruised hands, she held and kissed them. His eyes were filled with tears seeing this kind gesture she told him about her bitter past how her parents were brutally killed by those people whom they had given shelter. She showed him their photographs whom he immediately recognized because they were the same wicked couple with whom he had spent his good old childhood days in fear and suffering. They both plan to punish the guilty who were still alive and carrying on the criminal activities.
                 One night they both return to the "WELCOME DESTITUTE" with combustibles and set fire to that old hell. Those who had immolated the weak and sick innocent people had to experience the same end. Myrah and Siddharth absorbed the sights of victory with tears in their eyes and question NOW WHAT? Both orphans penniless, Siddharth asked her " shall we part?" Myrah replied " No Never. We shall be together till death or destiny writes our separation" . He said " life won't be easy" . She replied" was our past full of joys but still we survived. Destiny wanted us to live together, start a fresh life so we met in the graveyard where people begin their heavenly abode. Never say no to adventures". He kissed her and replied"  together we embark hopefully towards a bright future". She said " Amen! Life that had offered stones has now offered us me a jewel". Holding hands they walk ahead.

♥Poems And Short Stories♥जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें