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" Wake your lazy butt up or you're gunna be late for school!" My brother yelled from downstairs.

This was the first thing I heard every single morning.... My own personal alarm clock. The only downside was that he didn't have a snooze button.

" I swear I'd you don't get your butt out of bed I'll tell dad!"
I shot right up and yelled " Coming!"

You could sense the smirk on his face from a mile away.

As I came down the steps I remembered my plan.


6 pm

The Letters

I sighed as I hopped down two stairs to the bottom. My stomach did a flip as a rounded the corner to the living room. I saw my brother, Ben , on the couch with his feet up like he didn't have a care in the world.

I knew that wasn't true.

You see, when I was 7 and he was just 15 our mom left us to the care of our unstable dad.

Sad story I know right but that's how it happened so get over it.

The truth is, though, that we were better off without her. She didn't have a job, and she sat around all day eating all of the food in the fridge. I'm glad she she left.

Our father on the other was heartbroken. She was his everything. I think she was the only reason he got up in the morning.

So when she left, she took his soul with her. He lost everything he had to keep him going.

He turned to drugs when I was 8. Crack, meth, heroin- he did it all. It made him feel whole again he said when I walked in on him high.

That's when Ben took over. In the middle of his Junior year he dropped out of school and became a janitor at an office building. He has to give up all his dreams to support both Of us.

That's another reason I'm doing. I don't want him to have to worry about me anymore.

He looks so calm just sitting there staring off into space. I don't want to interrupt his thoughts so I step back but the dang floorboard creeks and he snaps out if his daze. He looks around frantically but when he sees me a huge smile forms on his face.

" Good morning sunshine" he grins at me.
" Oh-uh," I say flustered," good morning".
" Are you okay Alex?" He asks, suddenly concerned," you look pale- are you sure you want to go to school today?". He got up from the couch and walked over to me studying my face.
" Oh no-no-no! I'm ok!" I exclaim shaking my head violently. " I'm just going to get breakfast at school ok?"

He sighs, " Fine, but you know if something's bothering ya, you can always talk to me"

" I know, thanks," I smile and give him a hug.

I turn around and start walking to the front door.

" Um Alex?" Ben calls after me.

" Ya Ben?" I yell, slightly annoyed. Doesn't he know I'm gonna be late!

" Ya might want it get dressed, I do t think you want to wear pajamas to school,"

Oh Crap -_-

" Ughhh!" I shout, tossing my backpack in the floor running upstairs.

I quickly pull on a pair of boot cut jeans while debating on what band shirt to wear today.

I finally decide in Green Day ( yes Green Day, I get a lot of heat for it but who cares) and pull out a pair if high tops to go with it. I run my fingers through my hair. I don't care what it looks like - it's not like I'm here to impress anybody right?

I finally walk out the door with an " I love you" to Ben before I do.

I have to take a bus to school everyday because we don't have a stinkin car. I sit in the same spot everyday with my headphones in. I never bother anyone, they don't bother me. I sit in silence for the 15 min ride.


This is part 1 of the first chapter.My friend just begged me to upload so... Lol

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