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When I get off the bus I practically have to run to class to be on time .

"Curse you Green Day", I mumble to myself as I run through the entrance doors. The desk lady glares at me as I walk briskly through the office. I look up at the clock - 8:28 - two minutes to spare.

I finally get to class 118- Science- and silently slide into my seat. After attendance I think about my plan. I decide to call it "The Letters" though because "The Plan" seems too much like I'm going to take over the world or something.

I think about not even writing the letters. To just go ahead and kill myself. It would be much quicker and I wouldn't have to endure anymore pain. Not to mention I wouldn't have to spend all that time thinking of something meaningful to say to everyone. But I could never do it. I never EVER break a promise, even if it means keeping myself in this wretched world 31 more days.

I try to listen to the teacher but he just keeps droning on and on about matter and whatnot. I start daydreaming but my head starts to slip and it snaps up with a violent jerk. I look up to see Mr.Rick frowning down at me.

"Do you think this is nape time Alex?" he says sternly as a few of the preppy kids snicker.

I turn my head and glare at a couple of them before I reply, "No sir".

"Then I would advise you not to sleep in my class. Next time I will give you detention,". With that he turns his back to me and started to walk away.

"Sure you will," I mumble under my breath. Mr. Rick had a habit of giving empty threats. He's told me he'd give me detention about 15 times now.

He stops mid-step and I hold my breath. Just because he won't give you detention doesn't mean he won't send you to the principal's office. After a moment he starts walking back to the board again. I sigh in relief, I do not need any trouble with the principal at this time.

She already has suspicions that I'm suicidal. She walked in the bathroom once while I was releasing my emotions , coincidentally, with a plastic knife. I wasn't aware that she was there and I came out of the stall with bloody wrists and tears in my eyes. Once I saw her I immediately hid my hands behind my back and looked down at the tile floor. I quickly started walking backwards towards the door and was almost to it when she came up to me

"Are you alright?" she questioned, putting a hand on my shoulder.

" I-uh-I'm fine," I stuttered, concentrating on the black laces of my spiked combat boots. I took a step back words, almost tripping in the proses, and pushed the door out words. Quickly stepping aside the wall I pulled my arms out from behind my back and shoved them inside my sleeves so nobody could see the blood. I walked to class and that was it. It was just a regular day after that.

I kept thinking the she would call my brother or at least force me to go see the councilor but I never heard a word from her ever again. I guess she's just waiting for me to get in trouble so she has enough evidence to diagnose me as a "troubled teen" and ship me off to a rehab center. Ugh. The last thing I need is a building with brainwashed kids telling me it gets better and some middle aged goof with an irritatingly calm voice trying to get me to talk about my feelings. Plus it'll make a dent in my plan. That's why I need to be on Mr. Rick's good side - if he even has one.

After a painstakingly slow 1st period I walk down to my locker which is (of course) located across the whole freaking school. I registered late and they had already filled all the lockers in my grade so I have to use a senior locker. When I found out I almost puked and I threatened to sue the school. I mean seriously how the heck am I supposed to get to class on time?! But after I thought about it I decided against it because it would cost way too much money and I didn't want to put more stress on Ben then he already has.

I get my books for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period and start walking down the halls again. The seniors tower over me but I've gotten used to it, and besides no one pays attention to me anyways so who cares if any one of them could snap me like a twig. I'm halfway down the hallway when the late bell rings, " Gosh dang it," I grumble, teeth clenched.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand with a rag covers my mouth and pulls me back words. I try to scream but my breathe gets hitched in my throat and nothing comes out. My knees buckle and I black out. The only thing I can remember when I wake up, is the distinct smell of sugar cookies.


A/N: For anyone who's been reading this thank you sooo much for sticking around! It means so much to me! Sorry about my painfully slow updates, I just can't get through the major writers block I have right now. Please star and comment if you liked it. I've decided that I'm not going to put 1 day as 1 chapter. I'm just going to name each update as a quote on quote "chapter" and go from there. Thanks again:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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