Chapter One - My Beginning

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Hello, Everyone

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Hello, Everyone.

My name is Moo, and I'm a cat. I'm the most loved cat in the world. Let me tell you why.

My story didn't start off well, in fact, it had a sad beginning.

Shortly after I turned one year old, my mommy fell pregnant. We were all excited for her. I shared in her excitement as well as the others and watched how daddy got the baby room ready. I used to sit on mommy's tummy and feel the little one kick. I couldn't wait for the baby human to be born.

Then shortly after my second birthday, one day just before Mommy was about to go into hospital, daddy took me for a ride in the car. I was apprehensive and scared because I hadn't been in a car before. When we finally stopped, Daddy got out and left me alone in the vehicle for a bit. When he came back, he had a cage. He opened up the cage and shoved me in and walked into an office. He mumbled a few words and left. Yes, you read right. He just left me there. A kind lady filled in some paperwork saying, 'Cat dumped by owner, due to wife about to have a baby.'

That night I cried myself to sleep. I was in an open cage, outside, with many other homeless cats. How on earth did I go from, happy and content, a family of my own, to, heartbroken, living outside and homeless. My heart was in pieces. What did I do wrong?

The worst thing here people is that I'm not the only cat who has been dumped at the SPCA because of some stupid myth that cat's kill babies. Human's are supposed to be educated and have common sense.

I was living in the cage for one week. People would come every day to adopt a pet. Us cats would walk around in the cage and look happy, content and as friendly as could be. We would parade ourselves as if we were walking the catwalk in a fashion show, hoping beyond hope, that it would be me that would be picked that day.

Some cats had been there for weeks and one cat, a few months. People tend to pick the babies as they are 'cute.' Little do they know that we adults are less fuss than the babies.

Anyways, as I was saying, I was there for one week, and then a couple came, who had no children, came to look at us cats. I noticed them immediately because they were the only people who weren't distracted by the kittens. The lady saw me and opened the cage without asking. She picked me up and my heart leapt. Could this woman be my new mommy? Could she give me a forever home?

Some people don't think animals can understand, but we understand more than they think. I heard this lady say, 'This cat looks just like the one I had when I was a child. I would like this one, please. Let's go to the office and fill out the paperwork.' Oh, my heart leapt in joy but sank at the same time when she put me down and left.

I waited for her to fetch me. One day passed, two days. On day three, my heart sank. Where is my new family? The weather was awful that week. Winds blew and there were terrible storms at night. The rain poured down into our cages. We all huddled in our wooden cages trying to stay warm and dry. We were all scared of the thunder and noise coming from outside the cage.

Day seven, a man took me out of my cage and took me to the office. I got a few injections and was checked by the doctor. I was put into a cage and taken to the office. There! There I saw my new forever mommy. She took me out of the cage and hugged and kissed me. Oh, how I loved the feeling of being loved.

I was the centre of attention on the ride back home. She had friends in the car. They stroked me and spoke a lot. The ride home was long because Mommy dropped her friends off first. When she put me down in my new home, I walked around the flat. It only took me a few seconds. The apartment was tiny. Two bedrooms and a small lounge. I stopped and looked at mommy; my eyes said, "Is this it?" It was like my new mum read my mind because she said, "Yes, this is it, my baby. Sorry to disappoint."

She kept me inside for a few days and then let me walk about in the courtyard. It was a week before I was allowed to walk around the complex grounds on my own. I soon made a friend. Mommy loved taking photos of me and put me on almost every piece of furniture she owned and then the camera came out. I hoped this wouldn't be a regular thing, as the flash was really bright.

I panicked my forever daddy a bit when I lay on top of the one couch. Apparently their previous kitty did the same thing when it wasn't feeling well.

I missed my former family. I missed the big house and the big yard.  I'm sure I will get used to living here. With all the love and attention I am getting, I'm sure I will love it here. I just need time.

My name is Moo, and I'm a catWhere stories live. Discover now