Chapter 1 : Introduction

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Valleyville is where I spent my childhood years, playing and fooling around with some other kids on the other block. It used to be so much fun but everything seemed so abandoned and untouched.

My name is Anthony Daniels but you can just call me Anthony. I am now a highschooler. Im quite short for a guy, six feet tall and I dont quite like my appearance. I usually back-comb my long, dark brown hair but for somehow one way or another, it does'nt look good today. I am the sporty one, sometimes can be too rugged. I have perfectly tanned skin except for my thigh and I hate that.

Personally, I prefer cute than pretty girls, simply because they are much more prettier, weirdly. I am really into bands too. Bands provide songs that can bring me into an escapism, which helped me most of the times to pull me through every challenge I faced. I have a few deep and minor scratches on my arms and body, which leads me to my next story.

It was in elementary school, where everyone was really cute and small. I thought I was the oldest among the rest maybe because of the way I brought myself. I have this friend of mine named Marcel. He is one of those friends that could really make me smile and he had always helped me in my worst state.

I was in the canteen sitting alone when suddenly Marcel  came up to me and asked, "Anthony, wanna play soccer with the rest of the usual boys?"

I'd really like to play soccer but I was not in a proper outfit to do so and that really sucks.

"Hmmm, maybe trying won't hurt at all. Okay, you go first while I catch up with you later", I replied while trying to tie my shoelaces that kept on untying itself.

"Alright dude. Make sure you will be there fast because the game will start in a couple of minutes!". Marcel ran towards the field, leaving me alone.

I thought that he would wait for me but that did'nt bothered me at all. I washed myself before heading to the field.

The field looked amazing as usual but the nets of the goalposts were badly ruined by us kicking and scoring goals. The field was a little wet here and there, that caused my shoe to be more frictionless. The boys gathered at the centre of the field, discussing their own strategies and tactics. Both of the teams looked very competitive and challenging. The referee gave both teams, five minutes to discuss. I was in group A while Marcel was in group B.

In my group, Sullivan was the most skillful player of all time, followed by me. There was also this guy called Alex. Alex is one of the many students in my school that did not have any friends because he could not socialize and interact with others. There were a few other more members in my group but I dont really know them well. Then, the referee blew the whistle, indicating that the five minutes was over.

"So now, your time is up. Players please proceed to your respective positions. Captains of both teams, please step ahead and see who will start first."

All the players went to their respective positions while the referee took out a dime in his left pocket. My captain, as expected was Sullivan and the other team's captain, John, stood beside the referee. John used to be in the school's soccer team but he was kicked out due to his poor attendance. Sullivan chose heads while the other team had to choose tails.

The referee twirl the coin up to the air, watching the coin flipping sides. He then caught it with his left hand ontop of his right hand. He slowly opened the coin, giving suspensions to both of the captains and I knew Sullivan would hate this part. The referee lifted his hand, revealing to them that the head's of the coin was facing up. Sullivan quickly took away the ball from the referee and started the game.

I forgot to tell you guys that I was playing as the striker. In the game of soccer, the strikers have to be the one running around with the ball, trying to put the ball in the opposite goalpost and score as many as they could. Both teams were very challenging in the first few minutes. Everyone tried to play their part in trying to defend or score a goal. I was running helter-skelter because I wanted to score atleast a goal, but to no avail.

The defender of the oppsing team, Rafael, was really big in size. And when I said that he was big, he was literally big. He weigh five times as heavy as me. None of his shirt could cover his belly button. To my surprise, he was quite fast, although that the fact he could'nt run. He blocked most of my shots and it was really irritating.

Sullivan had this problem too but he outsmart Rafael once. Unfortunately,Sullivan was tackled by Ian, a member from the opposing team who was also quite good. The referee gave him a yellow card because the tackle was violent and that gave my team a free kick. Knowing that I was one of the best player in my team, I took the shot. I passed the ball to Sullivan. He was slowly dribbling the ball, limping his left leg.

Most of you could have expected, Alex did not do anything at all. He just stood near the goalpost, a few inches away from the goalkeeper. While I was dribbling the ball, there goes Marcel, infront of me trying to block my view and was trying to tackle the ball from me. Marcel was really good at tackling balls but he could'nt dribble the ball well.

So I dribbled the ball towards the goalpost but Marcel was always blocking me, as if I was ushered to the left side of the field. The field was enclosed with wired fences, that were really rusted and there were a few wires pointing out of the fences because it was really old.

And at the sides of the goal, there was a really long drain that was connected to the school. The drain was covered with stainless steel covers and was very wet at that time.

I dribbled the ball around me trying to overtake Marcel but he kept on leading me nearer to the drain. At that time, I was not aware of the drain that was below me. I sprinted along the drain, overtaking him but I was stupid. I lost my balance and I tried to hold onto the fences that could give me support. I rubbed my palm against the wall of the fences because I cannot grip onto anything at all. Everything happened so fast.

The next thing I knew, my whole body stopped moving, giving me the sudden jerk and I fell down to the drain, with my hands still hanging onto the fence. I was feeling nauseous and sick. I thought everything was good and okay until I realised that I have actually pierced through my left ring's finger into the rusted wire fence that was sticking out the whole time. I saw streams of thick red blood flowing out of my finger profusely, and I still thought that it was a dream. I could literally see the flesh of my skin, pounding to the beat of my heart.

The referee blew the whistle and everyone ran towards my direction. I painfully took out the rusted wire out of my finger and threw it away. Marcel hooked my right hand over his neck and carried me towards the school's office. And before I even knew it, I passed out.


"Hey buddy, are you okay?", somebody whispered. I tried to wake myself up. I opened my eyes, costively, thinking that I was in another dimension. I thought that I was dead but I realised that it was Marcel who said that.

I noticed myself that I was in a clinic, lying ontop of a white bed. That is when I realised I was'nt dead. My vision was still blur and foggy. I observed that my left hand was being held up onto something that will stop the blood from my finger flowing out again.

"Anthony, are you okay? I am sorry dude. I had no intention to hurt you or whatsoever", he said dolefully.

"It's okay. I guessed if I had only not tried to overtake you, I would'nt be in this situation." I was quite dissapointed with myself not thinking that the field was damp and slippery.

"Wait here for awhile. I wanna go and grab some snacks for you", said Marcel while taking out his wallet from his small blue bag, with his shirt half untucked and shorts stained by the dirt from the field.

He smiled at me and left immediately. Maybe it was just me but I felt as if he took too long to come back and I soon fell asleep.


Pardon my bad English. I hope that my story is interesting and fun. I dont know till when will I post the second chapter but please vote this because it will mean a lot to me!

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