>> chapter 5

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The repetitive ringing of my doorbell stirs me awake. Sometimes the harsh sound is short quick buzzes and other times it's a long drawn out annoyance. I blink to adjust my eyes to the dim lighting, I had forgotten to turn off the bathroom light. I look around my average bedroom listening to the sound. I glance at the clock that hangs on my wall and it's just past two in the morning.

I grumble as I climb out of bed, running my fingers through my not so smooth hair. I slowly head towards the intercom and click the call button and speak into it, "Hello?"

"Damnit Harper we've been trying to buzz you for thirty minutes! Lola insisted she come here and won't get up unless you let us in!" Grant's voice shakes with anger through the small mic.

I recoil away as if that will lower the intensity of his snare. I briefly could hear Lola's drunken stammering in the background of his yelling.

I buzz them in without a second thought and within a few moments the door is being knocked on, quite furiously I might add. I reluctantly pull it open and there Grant stands his face scrunched in irritation, Tommy has Lola at his hip with her arm over his shoulder.

"Harp babyyyyy," she slurs when she sees me.

"She was going on and on about how she sleeps here when she's drunk or something. I don't know nor do I care can you just take her?" Grant states through clenched teeth.

I glare at him as I cross my arms. "Maybe you shouldn't have gotten her drunk then," I hiss back. I step into the hall and place Lola's other arm over my shoulder reaching to help her from Tommy's grasp.

"You got her?" He asked concerned. I could tell from his flushed face that he was feeling the alcohol as well. Clearly the driving got pushed off onto Grant which could explain his sour mood at the moment.

I nod to Tommy and when he releases I nearly buckle under Lola's weight. Lucky for me she isn't too heavy and I regain my footing easily. "Okay Lo, let's get you to bed," I mumble sweetly to her and like second nature we begin to walk and it almost seems like she's sober again.

We enter the apartment and go straight for my bedroom which is straight down the hall from the front door. I don't glance back at the brothers, they aren't my concern at the moment. I lay Lola down in my bed, slide off her wedges, and pull the comforter over her. I place my waste bin beside the bed hoping she won't need it.

"Goodnight," I murmur but she's out like a light, a smile plastered to her dollish face. She looked so goofy it was hard to be mad at her for causing this little predicament in my apartment.

When I return to the living area I can see that Grant is rummaging through my fridge and Tommy has made himself comfortable on my white leather love seat. He even kicked his shoes off. I roll my eyes, at least when drunk he was still respectful.

I angrily place my hands on my hips and glare from one brother to the other. "What do you think you two are doing? You have a hotel don't you?"

Grant is now standing at the counter in the kitchen looking at me in the hall. He has found my leftover Chinese food and a beer. Oh sure help yourself a-hole. I think completely irritated.

The demon Doctor shakes his head saying, "We're supposed to be crashing at Lola's but she insisted on coming here." He takes a swig from the beer and shoves a fork full of fried rice between his beautifully sculpted lips.

I close my eyes as I try and calm myself. "Well then go to her place."

"Can't, she misplaced her keys," Grant quickly follows meaning that was at least a thought that crossed their minds. I could understand not prioritizing finding them. They were moving Lola out tomorrow and with her hood looks and persuasion her landlord would let her in at no cost.

I turn back and Tommy has drifted off into a drunken slumber, a comical smile on his still flushed face.

"What about Denise?" I ask trying to poke holes in their story. I wouldn't accept that they would just magically have to stay at my place.

Grant of course is prepared for this accusation as well stating, "She went back with our parents. We were going to pack Lola up tomorrow and head back to Minneapolis later that" –he glances at his watch– "this evening."

It's obvious that I have lost this argument and wave a nonchalant hand in their direction as I begin to turn back to my room. "Fine. There's an armchair and blankets beside the couch. Goodnight."

"Harper wait," Grant pleads and I turn to see that he has moved from the kitchen and stepping towards me in the hallway.

I glare daggers at him before saying, "I don't want to speak to you anymore. I get it you have to stay here, it's fine."

"I'm sorry," he pauses and I raise a curious eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry for what I said," he finishes.

I click my tongue in annoyance shaking my head with a grim laugh. "It doesn't matter if you're sorry Grant. You said it because you say what you're thinking," I say as I place my hands on my hips. I realize at this moment that he still looks deceivingly handsome in his dark jeans and black jacket, the v of shirt dipping so I can see the dark hair at the start of his broad chest. While I stand here in a tank top with stains and pajama shorts.

   "That's true." He sucks in air when I glare at him. "The part about saying what I'm thinking, but I really am sorry."

   "Okay," I mumble quickly and turn to head back into the room suddenly self conscious of the way I look, a light blush beginning to spread across my cheeks.

   He is behind me in a beat turning me back gently by my arm as he says, "Harper wait!"

   I shush him turning to see Lola fast asleep still and glance at Tommy who is still passed out as well.

   "I'm also sorry for what I did...all that time ago," he whispers almost too quietly for me to hear.

   I am in complete shock at his sincere sounding apology. My hazel eyes are wide as I stare at his dark ones that are filled with compassion, I think. I am no longer groggy and needing sleep, I am acute and wired.

   "I kind of asked because I felt jealous. If you can believe that," he admits.

   He had no right to feign jealousy when he chose to reject me all those years ago. With this revelation I snap and glare at him and he quickly releases my arm and throws his hands up in defense. He's right to do so because I swing my hand to slap him and he grips my wrist and in one swift movement he pulls me against him. His free hand snakes around my waist and my eyes grow wide with shock. Horror. Excitement? I hadn't been close to this man in this manner in years but still it caused my breath to hitch in my throat. I hated how he had such a control over me and could melt me in an instant. Lola and Tommy melted away and I regretted how I could feel a yearning for his touch. As if the last three years were light years away and right now was all that mattered.

   Before I get the chance to even speak his lips crash against mine throwing me completely off beat. Just when I thought I had the upper hand with my previous outburst. It pales in comparison to this treachery.

   The snarky bastard.

The feels!! :D

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