There Are Days: Intro

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shalom :)

So, since remember me is going to be finished eventually, i figured I should start a new story to keep myself busy, so I said to myself,

SELF! Write a fanfic. And of course, I agreed with myself, so TA DAAAAA!!!

The first ever fanfic written by Paige Byron , enjoy ^-^


Today won't be normal, I say to myself as my eyes adjust to the brightness filtering through my blinds. Dont ask me how I know today will be weird, I just do. I wipe my eyes as I realize how badly they're watering and force myself to roll out of bed. See, my plan was to land on my feet upon rolling out of bed. Did that happen? Not a chance.

"Ow, dammit," I mutter, picking myself up off of the floor. I arch my back and stretch my arms, before starting the mile-long trek down the hallway to the bathroom. Well, okay, maybe not a mile, but it sure as hell feels like that. I guess I should take advantage of this "journey" and tell you a little bit about myself, right? Well, hi, I'm Alyssa, Alyssa Rountree. I'm nineteen, and I live in your average middle class house with my older brother, Travis. Upon first glance, you can definitely tell we're related, we're both pretty tall and we have the same long brown hair and chocolate eyes, except his hair's sort of orange-brown, and mine's pretty dark. But, get to know us, and you'll realize that the only things we have in common are our looks and musical tastes. But, hey, I'm probably boring you to tears right now.

I finally reach the bathroom and try to open the door, only to realize it's locked. I put my ear to the door and can hear water running. Dammit, Travis. I pound on the door.

"Travis, will you hurry up!" I scream, timing my words with my knocking. "The fish are dying!"

"You snooze, you lose!" he yells back. Sadly, Travis cares more about his hair than I care about mine, so I knew how long his showers couldn get.

"Traaaaavisssss!" I whine and pound on the door one more time.

"Ten minutes, Lyss!" he yells back. I walk away and back towards my room without responding. I'm not exactly in the mood to argue today. I sit on my bed for a moment and cast a glance around the room. I notice a picture of me and my ex boyfriend Adam. I jump off of the bed and onto my feet and rip the picture off of the wall. I tear it to shreds and fling them across the room. I watch sadly as they flutter to the carpet, one by one.

Good riddance, jerk, I think disdainfully. I cast another glance around my room and see my battered teddy bear I've had since I was maybe four. I grab it and hug it tightly to my chest.

"You're the only guy I like, Buddy," I say into his head.

"LYSS!" I scream at the sudden sound that startles me so much I throw Buddy in the air. I look in the direction of the doorway and see Travis peeking in. As my bear hits the floor he glances at it before pointing and saying,

"Bear's on the floor." I hop off the bed and snatch him up.

"THANK you, captain obvious," I say, laughing in spite of myself. As Travis leaves I pull my hair up into a loose ponytail and set Buddy neatly on the bed before heading in the direction of the living room.

"Travis, do we have any-" I cut myself short as I enter then living room. Travis is there, alright. He's sitting on the leather sectional,and so are two other guys, who look vaguely familliar. In one if the two armchairs is another vaguely familliar looking guy, and another one was in the second armchair. They were good looking guys, too.

With a mental slap to the face I realize what state I'm in. Copeland t-shirt, red short shorts, ratty hair. I ignore the curious stares of all the guys, except for one who can't seem to take his eyes off of his laptop, and back slowly out of the room. I run to my room and unplug my phone from the wall. I quickly punch I'm Travis's number and type a message.

A: Thanks for the warning, jackass!

T: Anytime, baby sister.

A: who ARE they?

T: umm .. my band


A: BAND!? Explanation. NOW.

T: ...have I forgotten to mention that I'm the drummer in the Ready Set

A: the fuck!? HOW does a guy forget to tell someone that!?

T: ...oopsie?

A: I'm gonna kick your ass.

T: try it.

I throw my phone onto the matress and return to the living room.

"Oh Travis," I say somewhat menacingly, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. He turns his head from the conversation he was having with the guy next to him and looked at me. I raise my eyebrow a fraction of an inch higher and stifle a laugh at his fearful expression.

"DUDE!" he screams, jumping behind the guy on his right. The guy sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Travis, no," he says in an annoyed tone.

"Save me," Travis whispers over the guy's shoulder. I walk over to the sectional and stand in front of Travis's "shield". He's a good looking guy, with shoulder length reddish brown hair and eyes so blue they would make a husky's eyes look grey.

"Scuse me," I say sweetly, cutting Travis an evil glare.

"Of course," says the guy, getting up , leaving Travis exposed on the couch.

"Jordan you bastard!!" he yells. The brown haired guy shrugs and grins. I roll my eyes and grab Travis's wrist.

"Just come with me," I say, pulling him out of the living room and down the hallway to my room.

So, this is definitely different than Remember Me, but let me know what you think?

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