Twilight - Crescent Moon

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As I lay with Edward on the meadow, thinking about the battle we had with the Volturi and that Renesmee's safety is well protected.

Renesmee will stop growing in 5 years and she will be with us for a long time.

A lot of my worries that I had in the past had disappeared.

I was soo glad that my Renesmee will be with us forever. We wouldn't worry about her growing old or dying. She will be with us and we will be with her for a long time with Edward and I, and everyone else. She will grow up, go to school and college also get married and we will be there watching this happen.

I felt sick thinking of Jacob imprinting on Renesmee. When she grows up, they could be together and the thought kills me, my best friend will maybe become my son in law.

I sighed silently.

"what is it ?" Edward asks me while he sits up.

" I'm just thinking about the future, and also the .. "

" The Volturi ?" Edward say in his soft, sweet and loving voice.

"Yes" I say in fear.

" don't worry they are gone " he says.

" they will come back I'm sure,I have a feeling about it" I said.

"Alice will see if they did" he said

I wasn't really worried after he said that, he was right Alice would see it and we will be ready. If it came to a war again. I didn't want to sit in fear I had an idea but none will agree with me, I was thinking maybe we should go to the Volturi and ask if they had no problems with us or Renesmee. I need to know! I'm scared and worried but I don't want. I will wait a few weeks or months, if they don't come near us and none is in danger I will change my decision of going to the Volturi.

Edward and I went back to the house, everyone stood in the living room. Of course Edward read Alice's head and he knew what was going on but I want to know what was going on so I asked.

" what is wrong Edward" I asked confusingly.

" nothing is wrong dont worry" he said

"Alice ? What is it ?" If Edward didn't answer me I will ask Alice of course she will tell me.

" bella it's nothing, it's okay" she said

Gosh why won't they tell me! What are they hiding ?

It must be bad news if they aren't telling me. But I will find out what's going on.

Twilight - Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now