Free land

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[this is a lot like A Home in the Meadow (AKA Greensleeves). Except with some changes. Some words may line up with the actual lyrics, cuz I herd it a long time ago and it made an impression in my brain.]
This is a love song between two people that I have/will write about. A pirate or sailer and his lady friend (NO MORE HINTS ON WHO SHE IS!) They are forbidden lovers.
The brackets are lyrics is can't decide on and both can work... so you guys can pick between them.
I'm only using so many symbols in this because not many people know it and I have made some musical changes.

↘️A—↗️waay ↘️A—↗️waay ⬆️to ↘️thee ↘️shiiip, ↘️we ↘️goo
↘️To ↗️a ⬆️place ↘️that's ↘️free (and/were) the ⬆️lānd ↘️is ↘️green
Waay, out ↗️theere, iÎs↘️ weere ↘️wee'll ↘️bee
It's a/the ⬆️place, ↘️were ↘️freeee toOu ⬆️beee ↘️our-↘️selves.
A ⬆️place ↘️were ↘️dreams ↘️come aLive↗ ⤴️we ⬆know.
And-↗️It's-⬆️much, ↘️bet-↘️ter ↘️thaAn ↗️innn ↘️these ↘️bounds
SoO ⬆️come ' ↘️with ↘️mee ' ↘️to-↗️be ↗️freee
⬆️ Cōme, ⬆️Cōme-a-way wī—Îth ↘️me
↘️And ↗️I'll ↗️biuld ↘️you ↘️a ↘️house ↘️in ↗️the ↗️meeadöw

⬆️Fār, ⬆️fār, a-↘️way frOom ↘️here
Where-↗️the ⤴️rules ↘️are ↘️gone ↘️and-↗️the wilds ↘run ↘free
⬆️Fār, ⬆️fār, ↘️äway ↘️frōm↘️ this ↘️place
where ↗️there ⬆️āre ↘️no bōunds ↘️and ↗️the ↗️wōrld ↘️runs ↘️free
⬆️Come, ⬆️lets ⬆️go ' ↘️to-↘️the-↘️place ' ↘️wē ↘️made,
↘️And ↗️it's ↗️there ' ↘️I'll ↘️build ' ↘️you ↘️a ↘️house ' ↘️in ↗️the ↗️mēadow.

↘️O—↗️ver ↗️the ↗️hiills, ↘️in-To-↘️the ↘️seeea ↘️we ⬇️go
↘️To-↗️the-↗️place ' ↘️we ↘️speak ↘️were-↘️the-↗️lānd ↘️is ⬇️free
↘️O—↗️ver the hiills in-to-the shiiip we ↘️sail
↗️to-↗️our-↗️own-↗️hoome ' ↘️that's ↘️freee ' ↘️and-↗️where-↗️the-↗️laand ↘️is ⬇️green
⬆️Come, ⬆️lets goo, ↘️to ↘️the ↘️place ' ↘️we ↘️speak
were we won't ↘️be ↘️judged ↘️and ↗️we'll ↗️both ↘️be ↘️free

*each line gets slower*
⬆️Come, ⬆️let's goo, ➡️to-↘️the-↘️place ' ↘️we ↘️made
*swing-like, all tied.*
And it's ⤴️thēre ' where we'll ⤵️līve ' in a ⤵️hōuse ' in the ⤵️mēadow.

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