I live in Harro. In beginning school they told us that people used to live all over the world. Across oceans, covering pretty much all of it. Countries began to fight within themselves, rebellions arose, civil wars. A few of the stronger countries got too much power and would start to interfere. One in particular did this on many occasions, eventually its defenses were so removed from the home land that it was left vulnerable. This country was vain, and proud. They thought that their land was so perfect and amazing that no one could ever take it away from them. With all their resources sent to other countries they neglected to acknowledge the growth of power in another country that took the opportunity to strike just when they were weakest. The vain country fell without hardly a fight. Easily taken over by the others. Soon the countries that were being interfered with broke out of their individual fights to help the now powerful country defeat their common enemy. And all seemed well.
Not long after the new power country decided that having control of two lands was no longer enough. They began going after other countries, weak and strong. Eventually all of the countries had to pick sides, fight the power or submit to it. War broke out through the world. Bombs, nuclear and otherwise began to rain down from the sky. Causing some areas to be unusable due to damages and others uninhabitable due to the radiation. Biological weapons came into play knocking out hundreds of thousands of people at once. Finally someone noticed that we humans were going to go extinct if we didn't cut it out and solve things by talking. It took nearly 5 more years for their thoughts to be heard and listened to across all of the nations.
There were refugees and survivors spread thinly. Whole continents were completely without people, animals, even plants. The desolation could easily be seen. Food supplies had come near to a complete halt. No one really knew what to do, it was finally decided that everyone should travel to the least effected area. What had formally be America. It had been pretty much left alone due to that it had been crippled the first time around. People found out about the Gathering, through word of mouth and what little technology was left in operation. Rounding up the entire global population was not a difficult task. Out of the previous 10 billion humans on this planet, there were only about 10 thousand left.
People of all races and cultures came together in the designated area. Those who recorded the events said that it was rather hard to fathom that everyone left wouldn't have even been able to fill a small city, much less a metropolis. Everyone came together, sharing their skills and knowledge with each other and began to build up a new society. Slowly things began to come together, a common language was decided and taught to those who did not speak it. Rubble was cleared and new buildings were built in their place. That is how Harro rose out of what little remained. This is how my home came to be.