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1. To determine a baby's gender have watermelons- girl or apples for a boy.
2. Use the cheat motherlode to get $50,000.
3. To have twins or triplets read both pregnancy books get that treatment to get twins or triplets watch kids t.v and listen to kids music and just wait till your sim gives birth..
4. Type kaching into the cheat box and you instantly get $1,000
5. Type in freerealestate in the cheat box and you get a free house move
6. To have a random joke type in jokeplease in the cheat box to get a random joke
7. To make toddlers NPC type in ...... ageuptonpc
8. To set a family fund go to the cheat box and type familyfunds (HOUSEHOLD) and (AMOUNT) Example: familyfunds Landgraab $10,000.

These are just a few cheats if you want more for sims 1,2,3 or 4 go online and download the app sims cheats....


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