Rogue's Proposal

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Third Person POV
"Rogue I am perfectly capable of getting ready myself, I do appreciate your help though. Training has been very difficult and my back is killing me," Kagura said.

"I'm your boyfriend, of course I'll help you," Rogue said then mumbled "while I'm down on my knee I might as well do it now, after all I don't want to be her boyfriend forever."

"What was that Rogue, you were mumbling again?" Kagura asked.

"Oh nothing, but umm, here I think you should sit down for this," Rogue said.

"Sit down for what?" Kagura asked.

Rogue got down on one knee, pulled out a little velvet box, and said, "for this. Kagura Mikazuchi, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes Rogue, oh my gosh, YES!" Kagura said then yelled the second 'yes' while crying tears of joy. Rogue smiled and pushed the beautiful but simple ring onto Kagura's left ring finger. "Oh Rogue! It's gorgeous!" Kagura exclaimed.

"That's good it took me three months to find it, then six months to get the money to buy it. I'm glad you like it Kagura, I love you," Rogue declared.

"I love you too Rogue!" Kagura said.

Hey guys sorry it took so long I was having a difficult time with the proposal and then I was also finishing my freshman year up and moving... So sorry for the delay but I hope you liked it :)

 Rogue x KaguraWhere stories live. Discover now